Excel workbook detailing net new investments (NNI) of all locally registered Brazilian mutual managers. Includes monthly and year to date NNI data, 30-day % change, month-end assets and market share by managers. Data as of March 31, 2023.
Companies mentioned in this report: Banco do Brasil, Itaú Unibanco, Bradesco, Caixa, Santander Brasil, BRL, BTG Pactual, XP, BW, Credit Suisse, Safra, Opportunity, Funcef, Oliveira Trust, Reag, BNP Paribas, Kinea, Banco Brascan – Brookfield, Verde, Sicredi, Fundacao Cesp, Pátria, Legg Mason, SPX, Votorantim, Vinci Partners, Plural, BNY Mellon, Icatu, Julius Baer, Petros, and others.
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