ETF issuers, including iShares and Horizons, have turned to Colombia as a new avenue for asset gathering, particularly from institutional investors.
Details of AFP minimum-return proposal nearing release
The proposal aims to stimulate greater portfolio diversification by AFPs, whose investments are currently concentrated in domestic public debt and local equity, by increasing exposure to foreign assets.
Colombian Pension Funds: international exposure impacted by reaching of equity ceiling
Appetite for cross-border investments of Colombian Pension Funds got frozen in April. With a stronger Peso plus the equity-investment limit of the multifondo Moderado virtually reached, cross-border fund activity was brought to nearly a standstill.
Colombian unit of Old Mutual builds out its local business
The president of Old Mutual in Colombia, Daniel Cortés McAllister (photo), said the firm is intent on growing the mutual-fund and life-insurance businesses, and is also adding brokerage and real estate to its product portfolio.
Panel recommendation on AFP benchmarks could force additional offshore allocations
A committee of experts is set to opine on how to set minimum-return benchmarks, and also weigh in on the government's proposal to stimulate the outflow of dollars by encouraging additional cross-border exposure on the part of the AFPs.
Horizons and FiduBogotá launch an ETF that tracks S&P Colombia Select Index
Howard Atkinson (photo) claimed the new ETF offers low-cost exposure to a more diversified index than other currently available Colombian benchmarks.
March was iShares month in the Colombian pension fund market
Emerging-markets- and European-equity oriented products led the preferences of AFP portfolio managers, receiving USD 360 million and USD 185 million, respectively in the month.
Colombian AFPs directed USD 500 million to cross-border ETFs and funds in January, despite market turmoil
Colombian AFP pension funds added USD 525 million to their positions in cross-border mutual funds and ETFs in January. Purchases were concentrated in equity-oriented products to the USA. Vanguard, Aberdeen, iShares and MFS were among those who benefited from the new inflows.
New Colombian pension decree may include loosened cross-border investment rules
David Salamanca, director of financial regulation at the Ministry of Finance, said a technical commission had been meeting since November last year and would continue its work until March, when it would deliver its final considerations.
Four cross-border funds landed first-time investments in November from Colombian AFPs
Colombian pension funds added another USD 415 million to their holdings of cross-border ETFs and mutual funds in November, surpassing the USD 9 billion level. Aberdeen, BlackRock, Investec and Schroders all succeeded in landing a first-time investment for an equity product during the month.