Latin American Pension Fund Investments in Cross-Border Securities – April 2015

Chart comparing levels of pension fund system investments in international mutual funds and other international securities. Data from Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru. Data broken out by instrument, Year-end totals from December 2008 through 2014, and as of April 30, 2015.

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El Dorado aims for larger role in Andean fund-distribution business

This service is being launched precisely at a time when the Peruvian pension fund investment regime has undergone important changes, including elimination of "approved lists" of the SBS, creation of sub-limits for investments in private equity, and validation of mutual funds that use derivatives for hedging.

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Managers welcome easing of Peruvian AFP investment rules

A new SBS resoultion makes it easier for Peruvian AFPs to allocate to UCITs and other funds that use derivatives for non-hedging purposes and to ETFs based on synthetic indices.

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League Table – Assets Gathered by Cross-Border Fund Managers – Latin American Institutional Market – March 2015

Includes assets gathered by cross-border fund managers in the following markets: Chilean pension funds (AFPs), mutual funds (AGFs) and life insurers, Colombian pension funds (AFPs), Mexican pension funds (Afores) and mutual funds (OFIs) and Peruvian pension funds (AFPs). Period: Three months ending March 31, 2015.

Companies mentioned in this report: Aberdeen; Franklin Templeton; Schoders; Investec; Axa; Dimensional; Vanguard; pioneer, Fidelity; JP Morgan; Robeco; Invesco; BNP Paribas; Julius Baer; BlackRock; Deutsche; BNY Mellon AM; Goldman Sachs; Pictet; Votobel; Ashmore; PIMCO; Hederson; ING; Matthews; Bluebay; Allianz; Threadneedle; MFS; Aviva Investors; Morgan Stanley; AllianceBernstein; HSBC; Edmond de Rothschild; LarrainVial; M&G; Muzinich; F&C; UBS; BTG Pactual; Janus; GAM; GLG; Alfred Berg; Amundi; TIAA-CREF; Oppenheimer; Principal; CreditSuisse; SEB; EDM; BBH; Deka; Nomura.

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Holdings Report – Peruvian Pension Fund Investment in Cross-Border Securities – January 2015

Excel workbook detailing Peruvian pension fund allocations to cross-border mutual funds, ETFs, investment funds, stocks, bonds and deposits. Includes names of all securities as well as amounts invested in each. Also included is a breakdown of offshore allocations by asset class. Data as of January 31, 2015.

Companies mentioned in this report: Allianz; Aberdeen; BNP Paribas; BNY Mellon Asset Mgt.; Deutsche; Franklin Templeton; Investec; BlackRock - iShares; Janus; Julius Baer; MFS; Muzinich; Pictet; Pioneer; PowerShares; Robeco; Schroder; State Street; Van Eck; Vanguard; Dimensional; Fidelity; JP Morgan; Threadneedle; UBS; GBM; NN Investment; Henderson; Matthews; Wisdom Tree; Invesco; Axa; Morgan Stanley; Vontobel; Habitat; Prima; Profuturo; Integra.

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League Table – Assets Gathered by Cross-Border Fund Managers and ETFs Sponsors – Peruvian Pension Funds – January 2015

Includes assets gathered by cross-border fund managers and ETFs sponsors in the Peruvian pension funds market. Also includes monthly inflows / outflows and market share. Data as of January 31, 2015.

Companies mentioned in this report: Allianz; Aberdeen; BNP Paribas; BNY Mellon Asset Mgt.; Deutsche; Franklin Templeton; Investec; BlackRock - iShares; Janus; Julius Baer; MFS; Muzinich; Pictet; Pioneer; PowerShares; Robeco; Schroder; State Street; Van Eck; Vanguard; Dimensional; Fidelity; JP Morgan; Threadneedle; UBS; GBM; NN Investment; Henderson; Matthews; Wisdom Tree; Invesco; Axa; Morgan Stanley; Vontobel; Habitat; Prima; Profuturo; Integra.

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Peruvian AFP Investments in International Mutual Funds – May 2015

Excel workbook detailing Peruvian AFP allocations to global mutual fund managers, over various time periods. Also included is a breakdown of offshore allocations by asset class, over various time periods. Data as of May 31, 2015.

Companies mentioned in this report: Allianz; Aberdeen; BNP Paribas; BNY Mellon Asset Mgt.; Deutsche; Franklin Templeton; Investec; BlackRock - iShares; Janus; Julius Baer; MFS; Muzinich; Pictet; Pioneer; PowerShares; Robeco; Schroder; State Street; Van Eck; Vanguard; Dimensional; Fidelity; JP Morgan; Threadneedle; UBS; GBM; NN Investment; Henderson; Matthews; Wisdom Tree; Invesco; Axa; Morgan Stanley; Vontobel; Habitat; Prima; Profuturo; Integra.

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Peru – AFP Report Statistics – January 2015

Excel workbook detailing investments of each Peruvian mandatory pension funds to international mutual fund managers. Includes names of all funds as well as amounts invested in each. Data as of January 31, 2015.

Companies mentioned in this report: Allianz; Aberdeen; BNP Paribas; BNY Mellon Asset Mgt.; Deutsche; Franklin Templeton; Investec; BlackRock - iShares; Janus; Julius Baer; MFS; Muzinich; Pictet; Pioneer; PowerShares; Robeco; Schroder; State Street; Van Eck; Vanguard; Dimensional; Fidelity; JP Morgan; Threadneedle; UBS; GBM; NN Investment; Henderson; Matthews; Wisdom Tree; Invesco; Axa; Morgan Stanley; Vontobel; Habitat; Prima; Profuturo; Integra.

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Capital Strategies gathers USD 1 billion in Latam for boutique global managers

From its office in Lima, the firm distributes the funds of several boutique fund managers, mostly to institutional investors, family offices and wealth managers in Chile, Peru and Colombia, said Nicolás Lasarte, director of Capital Strategies Latam.

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Latin American Pension Fund Investments in Cross-Border Securities – March 2015

Chart comparing levels of pension fund system investments in international mutual funds and other international securities. Data from Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru. Data broken out by instrument, Year-end totals from December 2008 through 2014, and as of March 31, 2015.

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