XXI Banorte faces challenge managing Mexico’s largest institutional portfolio

Mexico's largest pension manager says it will use its entire 20% international allocation to gain exposure to foreign equities, in part via ETFs and in part via mandates.

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Sura: Afores need to expand foreign investments

Enrique Solórzano (photo), head of investments at Afore Sura, said that the Siefores representing younger people should adopt the investment models of countries such as Chile and Peru, which allow a higher rate of investment in equity than in bonds, as a means of increasing returns.

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Mexican Pension Fund Industry Statistics – June 2014

Excel workbook detailing, over various time periods, asset totals, inflows and affiliate trends among Mexican Afores. Data as of Junes 30, 2014.

Companies mentioned in this report: XX Banorte; Banamex; Sura; Profuturo GNP; Principal; Invercap; PensionISSSTE; Inbursa; Coppel; Metlife; Azteca; Afirme Bajío.

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Consar expects pension managers to follow Afore Banamex’s model on mandates

In an interview with Fund Pro Latin America, Carlos Ramirez Fuentes (photo), president of the Consar, said that "Increases in both the contribution rate and the foreign investment limit are important changes to be discussed," adding, "we are concentrating a lot of risk in one basket by leaving 80% of savings in a single country."

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First XXI Banorte mandate to be funded in November; more to follow

Mexico's largest pension fund has a short list of four managers ready for a second mandate, this time in commodities. In this article, CIO Ignacio Saldaña (photo) reveals how many more mandates the firm has lined up, as well as the percentage of total AUM it plans to allocate to global managers.

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League Table – Assets Gathered by Cross-Border Fund Managers – Latin American Institutional Market – March 2014

Includes assets gathered by cross-border fund managers in the following markets: Chilean pension funds (AFPs), mutual funds (AGFs) and life insurers, Colombian pension funds (AFPs), Mexican pension funds (Afores) and mutual funds (OFIs) and Peruvian pension funds (AFPs). Period: Three months ending March 31, 2014.
Companies mentioned in this report: Aberdeen; Franklin Templeton; Schoders; Investec; Axa; Dimensional; Vanguard; pioneer, Fidelity; JP Morgan; Robeco; Invesco; BNP Paribas; Julius Baer; BlackRock; Deutsche; BNY Mellon AM; Goldman Sachs; Pictet; Votobel; Ashmore; PIMCO; Hederson; ING; Matthews; Bluebay; Allianz; Threadneedle; MFS; Aviva Investors; Morgan Stanley; AllianceBernstein; HSBC; Edmond de Rothschild; LarrainVial; M&G; Muzinich; F&C; UBS; BTG Pactual; Janus; GAM; GLG; Alfred Berg; Amundi; TIAA-CREF; Oppenheimer; Principal; CreditSuisse; SEB; EDM; BBH; Deka; Nomura.

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Pioneer says Consar is close to greenlighting funding of Banamex mandate

One of the chief missions of Pioneer in Mexico is to service the demand of the Afores, said Gustavo Lozano (photo). "We believe a natural and necessary way for Afores to diversify their international investments is with managers that are going to help them along the way."

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Principal Financial Mexico names Veron leader of investment team

Juan Manuel Veron (photo) also joins Principal Financial Group's executive committee to strengthen the asset management area. He will command the Investment and financial-risks team.

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Amafore proposes alternative pension law reform in Mexico

Carlos Noriega (pictured) said the pension-manager association is pushing for greater tax incentives for those who save on a voluntary basis.

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Mexican Pension Fund Industry Statistics – March 2014

Excel workbook detailing, over various time periods, asset totals, inflows and affiliate trends among Mexican Afores. Data as of March 2014.

Companies mentioned in this report: XX Banorte; Banamex; Sura; Profuturo GNP; Principal; Invercap; PensionISSSTE; Inbursa; Coppel; Metlife; Azteca; Afirme Bajío.

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