ESG funds in Mexico present an opportunity for international asset managers

Santander CEO Jesús Mendoza del Río wants to list a global equities version of Mexico's premier ESG fund, a local equity product which launched last summer.

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Mexican Pension Fund Industry Statistics – March 2021

Excel workbook detailing, over various time periods, asset totals, inflows and affiliate trends among Mexican Afores. Data as of March 31, 2021.

Companies mentioned in this report: XX Banorte; Citibanamex; Sura; Profuturo GNP; Principal; Invercap; PensionISSSTE; Inbursa; Coppel; Metlife; Azteca; Afirme Bajío.

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Profuturo GNP close to completing its first allocation to international mutual funds

CIO of the Afore Antonio Sibaja expects to have 40% of its international holdings allocated to active managers, and revealed that its first cross-border-fund investment is imminent.

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Vanguard’s investment philosophy and low costs gel well with Mexican clientele

As Vanguard looks to capture assets from Mexican Afores in both its ETFs and active funds, country manager Juan Hernandez spoke of the firm’s competitive advantages in this unique market.

Mexican Pension Fund Industry Statistics – December 2020

Excel workbook detailing, over various time periods, asset totals, inflows and affiliate trends among Mexican Afores. Data as of December 31, 2020.

Companies mentioned in this report: XX Banorte; Citibanamex; Sura; Profuturo GNP; Principal; Invercap; PensionISSSTE; Inbursa; Coppel; Metlife; Azteca; Afirme Bajío.

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Active managers key to Afore SURA’s international exposure

"We will have a local expert helping us make better investment decisions and adding alpha to our clients' portfolios," said SURA's Andrés Moreno.

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Added flows, tighter fees will pressure Afores to diversify their portfolios

The industry was not pleased with the placement of stringent caps on fees they can pass on to affiliates, but cheered plans to boost payroll contributions substantially.

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Mexican Pension Fund Industry Statistics – September 2020

Excel workbook detailing, over various time periods, asset totals, inflows and affiliate trends among Mexican Afores. Data as of September 30, 2020.

Companies mentioned in this report: XX Banorte; Citibanamex; Sura; Profuturo GNP; Principal; Invercap; PensionISSSTE; Inbursa; Coppel; Metlife; Azteca; Afirme Bajío.

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AMLO floats bid to increase Afore contribution rate to 15%

The Mexican president's surprise announcement would boost contributions from the current 6.5% rate over eight years, with employers footing the bill.

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Mexican Pension Fund Industry Statistics – June 2020

Excel workbook detailing, over various time periods, asset totals, inflows and affiliate trends among Mexican Afores. Data as of June 30, 2020.

Companies mentioned in this report: XX Banorte; Citibanamex; Sura; Profuturo GNP; Principal; Invercap; PensionISSSTE; Inbursa; Coppel; Metlife; Azteca; Afirme Bajío.

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