In a discussion covering Afores’ international investments, Ivan Pliego revealed AUMs captured by active cross-border funds vs. global ETFs.
Tracking the Activities of Global Asset Managers in Latin America
In a discussion covering Afores’ international investments, Ivan Pliego revealed AUMs captured by active cross-border funds vs. global ETFs.
Hugo Petricioli expects 2021 to be another amazing year for the mutual fund industry in Mexico, and particularly for Franklin Templeton, which has just added GBM as one of its distributors.
Santander CEO Jesús Mendoza del Río wants to list a global equities version of Mexico's premier ESG fund, a local equity product which launched last summer.
Banorte’s Alejandro Aguilar Ceballos spoke about the firm’s many subadvisory relationships with global managers, which have helped the firm respond to retail-investor demand for diversification.
As Vanguard looks to capture assets from Mexican Afores in both its ETFs and active funds, country manager Juan Hernandez spoke of the firm’s competitive advantages in this unique market.
The Amafore's Alvaro Melendez predicted an uptick in allocations to active funds while emphasizing need to increase cap on international investments.
Under the guidance of Sergio Mendez, Afore XXI Banorte funded US equity mandates with three managers, totaling USD 700 million, bringing its funded mandate total to USD 2.8 billion, spread across Europe, Asia and now the United States.
The bank is selling for USD516 million its pension unit in Peru to two separate pension firms, one controlled by Colombian financial conglomerate Grupo Sura and the other by Canada's Bank of Nova Scotia.
Grupo Financiero Banorte and Mexico’s Social Security Institute, known as IMSS, will each pay half of the price for the Afore Bancomer unit.
Now that the two Afores have completed their merger, the new XXI-Banorte is ready to take full advantage of the regulatory changes in favor of opening to specialized managers and investments in commodities.
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