Demand for foreign-currency vehicles tripled in 1Q 2017, following depreciation of the peso against the dollar, according to Alejandro Aguilar, investment director of Banorte-Ixe Asset Management.
Banorte-Ixe: Open architecture a laudable but challenging goal
April 17, 2015 by
"The principle that anyone can distribute any fund is laudable," but there must also be clear ground rules, a communication platform between fund managers and distributors, and and effort to improve financial literacy of clients, says Alejandro Aguilar Ceballos, CEO of Operadora de Fondos Banorte-Ixe.
Banorte-Ixe taps global firms to lead expansion of international fund line
April 1, 2015 by
Banorte-IXE is partnering with Blackrock, Franklin Templeton and BNP to further its goal of boosting the share of its international lineup to 5% of total AUM.