The iShares MSCI Emerging Markets ETF was by far the biggest gainer for the month, with allocations coming from AFP Proteccion, with a USD 218 million deposit, and smaller amounts coming from Colfondos, Porvenir and Old Mutual.
Allocation from Colfondos bolsters Pictet European fund
September 13, 2016 by
The USD 150 million allocation juiced the AUMs of the Pictet Europe Index-I EUR product in June. Meanwhile, AFP Protección made some significant changes to its portfolio that impacted Morgan Stanley, iShares and Vanguard.
iShares bears the brunt of Colombian AFP portfolio reshuffling
June 23, 2016 by
The AFPs redeemed USD 522 million from iShares ETFs in February and USD 548 million in January, as allocations to the US and Europe were sharply reduced.
Scotiabank to buy majority stake in Colombian pension fund Colfondos AFP
August 14, 2012 by
Scotiabank says it has reached an agreement to buy a 51% stake in Colombia's fourth-largest pension fund company.