The investment regime, including alternative assets, should be operational on July 1 together with start-up of the pension reform.
Fast-track passage of pension reform could end up in the Constitutional Court
The government has already announced a corrective bill to resolve some shortcomings not analyzed by the House of Representatives.
Senate passes pension bill and lower house has a deadline of June 20
The bill maintains four pillars and designates Banco de la República as manager of the public pension fund.
Outlook for pension reform looks fairly good but with deadlines
Mid-June is the deadline for legislative proceedings for the government bill. Political negotiations will be intense.
Industry associations prepare arguments for repositioning of pension debate
The main concern is the fiscal cost and the impact on the financial market.
Peru, Colombia and Bolivia move to facilitate flows between public, private systems
Migration of participants from one system to another is related to the reformist winds in the region.
Colombia’s pension reform could begin taking shape in April
Economist and consultant Gustavo Moreno Montalvo anticipated a not-so-winding road for the presidential reform proposal.
Pension reform in Colombia: definition time gets closer
The results of this first round of elections (Gustavo Petro 40% and Rodolfo Hernández 28%) guarantee a lively discussion on pension reform before the runoff election on June 19.
OECD recommends single compulsory pension scheme for Colombia
The Colombian pension association used the report to promote conversion of the pay-as-you-go state-run scheme to the AFPs and the creation of a state-run AFP.
Colombian legislator proposes allowing older workers to leave AFPs and join government retirement system
Colombian AFPs and the Ministry of Finance oppose the initiative but in the political world there is interest in a far-reaching rethink of the pension system.