The platform provides detailed cost information categorized by AGF, client type, and share classes, using a traffic light system to rate fees.
AFP profits don’t seem to concern pension participants
According to a survey, 60% of workers still prefer to join the private pension system over the public system.
Chilean labor-committee amendment would force AFPs to eat cross-border-fund fees
AFPs and cross-border managers are clinging to hopes that the amendment will be expunged or reversed before the final pension-reform bill goes to a vote in the Congress.
Allianz GI’s ‘performance fee’ funds charge investors only when beating benchmarks over 12 months
“Investors are demanding a new value proposition from active managers that proves their ability to deliver returns above the benchmark,” said Douglas Eu, CEO US for AllianzGI.
Leak: Chilean AFPs will be asked to foot up to 5% of third-party-fund fees
While an official position was not staked out by the government at Chile Day 2017 in London, on June 29 and 30, talk in the halls of the event suggests that AFP pension managers will no longer be able to pass third-party costs to the pension fund. In response, local distributors voiced their opposition to Fund Pro Latin America.
Bachelet parting gift would force AFPs to pay portion of fund fees
A few months before presidential and parliamentary elections, a reform initiative proposes that AFPs pay 10% to 15% of management fees, which would directly impact these managers’ profits, Fund Pro Latin America has learned.
AFP Planvital upheaval has different effects on industry and actors
The low-ball offer of Planvital will put trememdous pressure on its larger rivals to trim their fees, at least somewhat. Most in the industry fear that the government will still pursue its plan to launch a low-cost, state-run AFP, to compete with other industry players.
Sponsors of cross-border funds and ETFs reaped USD 92 million in fees in third quarter of 2013
During the third quarter of 2013, Chilean pension fund managers paid around USD 92 million in fees on their cross-border holdings.
Fees, returns and reforms on the AFP agenda
Industry actors have shown themselves open to accepting radical changes, apparently in line with the new direction set by the incoming Bachelet administration.
Source: Performance-fee model for Afores will not stall mandate rollout
This measure is part of a larger reform package slated to be submitted to Congress for debate in late 2014. The same package is likely to contain an increase in the international-allocation limit, which has been stuck at the 20% level since 2003.