The AFPs decreased their exposure to equity by USD 3.2 billion during the month, while boosting investments in fixed-income funds by USD 893 million.
Chilean AFPs flee fixed income in November selloff
Emerging market bond funds took the biggest hit in November, with pension managers withdrawing USD 565 million from the category.
Brazilian equity funds reaping benefits of Ibovespa climb
Fueled by October’s substantial 11.2% upturn in the Ibovespa, Brazilian equity funds were atop the industry’s return rankings, also recording the industry’s highest year‐to‐date returns.
Fixed-income and flexible funds drive inflows in August
The Brazilian mutual fund industry posted net new inflows of BRL 21.1 billion (USD 6.4 billion) in August 2016, bringing total NNI to USD 72 billion in the first eight months of 2016.
Sura launches Pacific Alliance bond fund
Sura's Juan David Perdomo said the Chile-domiciled fund will invest in government and corporate bonds throughout Chile, Mexico, Colombia and Peru. Mirror versions of the fund are expected in other jurisdictions.
Brazilian investors not enticed by sharp rise in share prices
Despite double-digit gains of the local stock market in July, investors dumped balanced and mixed funds and were agnostic on equity vehicles. Flows into short-term funds were strong, however.
Chilean AFPs bailed on US, Asian and European equities in July
Meanwhile, the fixed-income category received a USD 661 million allocation that reversed a USD 518 million outflow in June. AUMs of USD 17.5 billion in cross-border fixed income were at a 12-month high.
Vision Advisors enjoys expansion into new business areas
In addition to a local-fund offering that has grown to USD 80 million, Vision will begin regional distribution of Lansdowne and Cheyne Capital hedge funds. It already represents Templeton, Rogge and AllianceBernstein funds.
Equity, fixed-income funds posted strong returns in June
In the year through June, the industry recorded net sales of BRL 38.1 billion (USD 14 billion), 29.5% more than in the same period last year, led by the Fixed Income and Pension funds.
Aseguradoras redujeron sus utilidades en 59.1% durante 2011
Mercado asegurador en su conjunto registró ventas totales que alcanzaron los USD9,681 millones en 2011.