Excel workbook detailing, over various time periods, asset totals and affiliate trends among Peruvian AFP pension funds. Data as of June 30, 2014.
Companies mentioned in this report: Habitat; Integra; Prima; Profuturo.
Tracking the Activities of Global Asset Managers in Latin America
Excel workbook detailing, over various time periods, asset totals and affiliate trends among Peruvian AFP pension funds. Data as of June 30, 2014.
Companies mentioned in this report: Habitat; Integra; Prima; Profuturo.
Includes assets gathered by cross-border fund managers in the following markets: Chilean pension funds (AFPs), mutual funds (AGFs) and life insurers, Colombian pension funds (AFPs), Mexican pension funds (Afores) and mutual funds (OFIs) and Peruvian pension funds (AFPs). Period: twelve months ending December 31, 2013.
Companies mentioned in this report: Aberdeen; Franklin Templeton; Schoders; Investec; Axa; Dimensional; Vanguard; pioneer, Fidelity; JP Morgan; Robeco; Invesco; BNP Paribas; Julius Baer; BlackRock; Deutsche; BNY Mellon AM; Goldman Sachs; Pictet; Votobel; Ashmore; PIMCO; Hederson; ING; Matthews; Bluebay; Allianz; Threadneedle; MFS; Aviva Investors; Morgan Stanley; AllianceBernstein; HSBC; Edmond de Rothschild; LarrainVial; M&G; Muzinich; F&C; UBS; BTG Pactual; Janus; GAM; GLG; Alfred Berg; Amundi; TIAA-CREF; Oppenheimer; Principal; CreditSuisse; SEB; EDM; BBH; Deka; Nomura.
This league table provides a ranking of Latin American Mutual Fund Managers, domiciled in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru, by AUM. It also includes annual growth/loss and percentage change .
Companies mentioned in this report: Banco do Brasil; Itaú; Bradesco; Caixa Econômica Federal; Santander; BTG Pactual; HSBC; Citigroup; BBVA; Credit Suisse; Safra Asset Mgt.; Votorantim; JP Morgan; Legg Mason; BNY Mellon AM; Grupo Sura; Banchile; BNP Paribas; Scotia; Banorte - Ixe; Inbursa; Vinci Partners; Opportunity; Sul America Investimentos; Actinver; Intrag; BRL Trust; Bci; BCP; Quantitas; Morgan Stanley; BW; GPS - CFO; JGP; Icatu; SPX; Porto Seguro; Pátria; GBM; Integral Investimentos; GAP Prudential; Banrisul; Plural Capital; Principal; Grupo Aval; Security; Mapfre; Riviera; LarrainVial; Bice; Oliveira Trust ; BancoEstado; Alfa; Nafinsa; Pragma; Davivienda; BNB; Dynamo; Kinea; Kondor; Planner; Modal; Merrill Lynch; Schroders; Petra; Geracao Futuro; Solidus; Alianza; Everest; Reliance; Interacciones; CorpBanca; Consenso; Ibiuna; Global Equity / Global Capital; Banco Clássico; UBS; Peninsula; Fator; Franklin Templeton; Gerval; Phronesis Investimentos; Polo Capital; BBM; Ventor; Valmex; Vector; Mercatto; Claritas; Pellegrini; BRZ; Perfin; Ipanema; Advisor; Fiducor; Quest; Galicia Adm. de Fondos; Squadra Investimentos; Tarpon; Lorinvest.
Excel workbook detailing Chilean pension fund allocations to cross-border mutual funds, ETFs, investment funds, bonds, stocks and other securities. Includes names of all securities as well as amounts invested in each. Date as of January 31, 2014.
Companies mentioned in this report: Aberdeen; Alfred Berg; AllianceBernstein; Allianz; Ashmore; Aviva Investors; Axa; Bank of America; Barclays Bank; BBH; BlackRock; BlueBay; BNP Paribas; BNY Mellon AM; BTG Pactual; Celfin; Citibank NA; Compass; Deutsche; Deutsche Bank AG; Dimensional; Edmond de Rothschild; EuroAmerica; F&C; Fidelity; Franklin Templeton; GAM; GLG; Goldman Sachs; Henderson; HSBC; IM Trust; Independencia; ING; Invesco; Investec; iShares; JP Morgan; Julius Baer; LarrainVial; Las Americas; M&G; Matthews; MFS; Moneda; Morgan Stanley; Natixis; Nevasa HMC; Oppenheimer; Petrobras; Pictet; Picton; PIMCO; Pioneer; Robeco; Schroder; SEB; Security; State Street; State Street Bank and Trust; Threadneedle; TIAA-CREF; UBS; Van Eck; Vanguard; Vontobel; WisdomTree.
Excel workbook detailing Chilean pension fund allocations to cross-border mutual funds, ETFs, investment funds, bonds, stocks and other securities. Includes names of all securities as well as amounts invested in each. Date as of December 30, 2013.
Companies mentioned in this report: Aberdeen; Alfred Berg; AllianceBernstein; Allianz; Ashmore; Aviva Investors; Axa; Bank of America; Barclays Bank; BBH; BlackRock; BlueBay; BNP Paribas; BNY Mellon AM; BTG Pactual; Celfin; Citibank NA; Compass; Deutsche; Deutsche Bank AG; Dimensional; Edmond de Rothschild; EuroAmerica; F&C; Fidelity; Franklin Templeton; GAM; GLG; Goldman Sachs; Henderson; HSBC; IM Trust; Independencia; ING; Invesco; Investec; iShares; JP Morgan; Julius Baer; LarrainVial; Las Americas; M&G; Matthews; MFS; Moneda; Morgan Stanley; Natixis; Nevasa HMC; Oppenheimer; Petrobras; Pictet; Picton; PIMCO; Pioneer; Robeco; Schroder; SEB; Security; State Street; State Street Bank and Trust; Threadneedle; TIAA-CREF; UBS; Van Eck; Vanguard; Vontobel; WisdomTree
Power Shares, State Street, and BlackRock’s iShares are the top three ETF families receiving investments from the AFPs. Meanwhile, Henderson, Julius Baer, and Aberdeen are among the leading mutual fund managers.
Excel workbook detailing Colombian pension fund (Obligatory + Voluntary) allocations to cross-border mutual funds, ETFs, private equity funds, bonds, stocks and other securities. Includes names of all securities as well as amounts invested in each. Also included is a breakdown of offshore allocations by asset class.
Companies mentioned in this report: Aberdeen; AllianceBernstein; Allianz; Amundi; AZ Fund Management; BBH; BlackRock; BNP Paribas; BNY Mellon; Deka; Dimensional; Fidelity; Franklin Templeton; HSBC; ING; Invesco; Investec; iShares; JP Morgan; LarrainVial; Lyxor; Matthews Funds; MFS; Morgan Stanley; N/A; Pictet; Pimco; Pioneer; PowerShares; ProShares; Robeco; Schroder; State Street; Van Eck; Vanguard; Vontobel; WisdomTree; Proteccion; Porvenir; Colfondos; Horizonte; Skandia; HSBC; FiduDavivienda; FiduColombia; Colseguros; Fiduciar.
Chilean pension funds made over USD 2 billion in new allocations, bringing total non-domestic investment to USD 68.8 billion. Cross-border mutual funds and direct investments in government bonds were the most chosen instruments type to increase positions. Products of Axa, Pioneer, BlackRock, and Invesco benefitted the most from the renewed enthusiasm of the AFPs.
The vehicle is a Latin American equities fund domiciled in Dublin, which will be co-managed by the company’s teams in Brazil, Mexico and Chile, where each will contribute its view on the market and companies in its own country and areas of influence.
Excel workbook detailing inflows / outflows of Chilean pension funds into international funds / ETFs. Includes names of all funds/ETFs as well as amounts invested in each. Period ending November 30, 2013.
Companies mentioned in this report: Aberdeen; Alfred Berg; AllianceBernstein; Allianz; Ashmore; Aviva Investors; Axa; BlackRock; BlueBay; BNP Paribas; BNY Mellon AM; BTG Pactual; Deutsche; Dimensional; Edmond de Rothschild; EuroAmerica; F&C; Fidelity; Franklin Templeton; GAM; GLG; Goldman Sachs ; Henderson; HSBC; ING; Invesco; Investec; iShares; JP Morgan; Julius Baer; LarrainVial; M&G; Matthews; MFS; Morgan Stanley; Natixis; Oppenheimer; Pictet; Pimco; Pioneer; Robeco; Schroder; SEB; State Street; Threadneedle; Threadneedle ; TIAA-CREF; UBS; Van Eck; Vanguard; Vontobel; WisdomTree.
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