The new legislation should include authorization to repurchase up to 10% of their own shares annually, Enrique Ovalle, general secretary of Acafi, says.
Sura to distribute 66 BlackRock funds to non-institutional clients
The partnership will strengthen its open architecture model for fund sales. The U.S. firm is also pinning its hopes on potential growth in the retail segment.
Bice Inversiones launches international fund with tax break
The Bice EE.UU mutual fund will trade on the stock exchange giving participants tax-free gains.
CNBV plans to facilitate creation of investment funds
Andrés Rodríguez, deputy director general of the Investment Management Department of the CNBV, said the corporate structure under which an investment fund is set up could be adapted.
Afores sector faces three challenges, Amafore says
International investment, the level of contributions and coverage are among priority topics. The regulator’s role is crucial for a real effort to deal with them and continue the evolution of the pension system in Mexico.
Pension fund portfolios ended 2012 with innovations
In December flows to international funds and ETFs stalled, but there was significant movement of portfolios toward equity in emerging markets and Asia. Fixed income funds are losing ground.
Corfo sees ending support for private equity by 2030
The state entity says 33% private participation in financing was achieved in 2012, and expects this figure to reach 60% by 2020.
BlackRock to buy Credit Suisse ETF arm
Upon completion of the deal iShares – BlackRock’s ETF arm – will run 264 ETFs with USD157.6 billion.
Managers confirm simplification of SBS registration process
Over the last few months the registration process for new foreign mutual funds has been reactivated, with record times of six weeks.
Compass Group sees a sluggish 2013 for funds
According to Luis Palacios, the group’s institutional sales director, important regulatory constraints will hold back growth in the sector.