The equity fund class was once again the best performer, led by the FMP‐FGTS and single equity types, with respective upturns of 26.91% and 23.28%, fueled by the appreciation of Vale and Petrobras shares, which are predominant in these portfolios.
AFPs may gain authorization to invest directly in infrastructure projects
The proposal would authorize direct investment by AFPs and insurers in infrastructure projects, and no longer require the managers to allocate to local closed-end investment funds.
Mexico’s fund industry has grown just 9% in dollar terms the last five years
The 40% drop in the value of the Mexican peso has severely impacted results in dollar terms, while the number of investor contracts in funds has hovered around the 2 million mark.
Brazilian funds start year with outflows from equity and mixed funds
January’s net sales exceeded the BRL856 million posted in the same month in 2015.
Private-fund investors likely to flock to mutual funds in wake of tax changes
Local mutual funds, which fall under the Unified Fund Law, will be taxed at 10%, while President Bachelet's (photo) tax reform will strip private investment funds (FIPs) of their 35% exemption from the corporate tax rate. The FIP segment is worth around USD 15 billion.
New York Life’s Mexican insurance unit mulls acquisition of local fund manager
New York Life is actually arriving a bit late to the mutual fund arena, since its rivals Allianz and Zurich have already launched third-party fund platforms that can be accessed by their respective producers and financial advisors. New York Life's interest in actually owning an asset manager would, however, elevate the firm beyond simple fund distribution.