Parvest Equity Europe Small Cap-I, a BNP Paribas fund, saw a USD 136 million May allocation that was the largest for an active fund within the Europe equity category. AFP allocations abroad in May totaled USD 17.1 billion, the highest level in over two years.
Chilean AFPs boost European and EMB positions in April
Total Chilean AFP assets abroad reached in April USD 62.7 billion and were at their highest level since October 2015. The increase from USD 61.7 billion was powered by returns, as the AFPs redeemed a net USD 177 in cross-border investments.
Chilean AFPs redeem heavily from North America in March; add to Europe and Japan
Chilean AFPs redeemed heavily from North America in March 2017, pulling the most AUMs since August, while boosting their allocations to Japan and Europe, benefiting Eastspring Japan Dynamic-B and iShares MSCI Eurozone.
Colombian AFPs ended 2016 with rush into US equities and exit from Europe
Colombian pension-manager allocations to North American equity as of December reached USD 3.2 billion in December, or 22% of the USD 14.5 billion cross-border portfolio, vs. just 14% in July.
Pre-Trump, Colombian AFPs embraced emerging markets and North America while turning away from Europe
At the close of October, Colombian AFPs had boosted their exposure to emerging markets to nearly USD 4 billion, an 18-month high. Overall allocations abroad reached USD 14.9 billion, an 11-month high.
Colombian AFPs boosted their exposure to emerging markets in August
Colombian AFPs in August increased their exposure to emerging-markets equity by US 477 million, lifting their stake in the region to 24% just behind that of Europe. iShares reached USD 6.4 billion in AUMs, leading the field.
iShares big beneficiary of Colombian AFP focus on emerging markets
The iShares MSCI Emerging Markets ETF was by far the biggest gainer for the month, with allocations coming from AFP Proteccion, with a USD 218 million deposit, and smaller amounts coming from Colfondos, Porvenir and Old Mutual.
Chilean AFPs bailed on US, Asian and European equities in July
Meanwhile, the fixed-income category received a USD 661 million allocation that reversed a USD 518 million outflow in June. AUMs of USD 17.5 billion in cross-border fixed income were at a 12-month high.
iShares bears the brunt of Colombian AFP portfolio reshuffling
The AFPs redeemed USD 522 million from iShares ETFs in February and USD 548 million in January, as allocations to the US and Europe were sharply reduced.