Includes assets gathered by cross-border fund managers in the following markets: Chilean pension funds (AFPs), mutual funds (AGFs) and life insurers, Colombian pension funds (AFPs), Mexican pension funds (Afores) and mutual funds (OFIs) and Peruvian pension funds (AFPs). Period: twelve months ending December 31, 2013.
Companies mentioned in this report: Aberdeen; Franklin Templeton; Schoders; Investec; Axa; Dimensional; Vanguard; pioneer, Fidelity; JP Morgan; Robeco; Invesco; BNP Paribas; Julius Baer; BlackRock; Deutsche; BNY Mellon AM; Goldman Sachs; Pictet; Votobel; Ashmore; PIMCO; Hederson; ING; Matthews; Bluebay; Allianz; Threadneedle; MFS; Aviva Investors; Morgan Stanley; AllianceBernstein; HSBC; Edmond de Rothschild; LarrainVial; M&G; Muzinich; F&C; UBS; BTG Pactual; Janus; GAM; GLG; Alfred Berg; Amundi; TIAA-CREF; Oppenheimer; Principal; CreditSuisse; SEB; EDM; BBH; Deka; Nomura.
League Table – Assets Gathered by Cross-Border Fund Managers – Latin American Institutional Market – December 2013
BTG Pactual strengthens fund platform in Chile and Luxembourg
The asset manager will continue to develop closed-end funds in both domiciles, as a way of diversifying the investor base - a benefit to Pactual and to the investors themselves, argues Rodrigo Nader, CEO of Asset Management of BTG Pactual Chile.
Credicorp Capital: Institutionals will return to emerging markets
The firm believes there are no long-term fundamentals in favor of developed markets and that a change in asset allocation could take place by mid-year.
League Table – Assets Gathered by Latin American Pension Fund Managers – December 2013
This league table provides a ranking of Latin American Pension Fund Managers, domiciled in Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Peru and Uruguay by AUM. It also includes annual growth/loss and percentage change. Data as of December 31, 2013
Companies mentioned in this report: Sura; Metlife; Principal; Habitat; Banorte; Grupo Aval; Banamex; Scotiabank; Profuturo GNP; BCP; Invercap; PensionISSSTE; Inbursa; Coppel; Banco República; Planvital; Skandia; BPDC; Modelo; Itaú Unibanco; Banco Popular; Banco Azteca; Banco Nacional; BCR; BHD; Bandes; Vida Plena; BanReservas; BAC; CCSS-OPC; Banco General; BanVivienda; Romana.
LV Asset Management studying new registrations in Luxembourg
Along with other Chilean asset managers, Larrain doesn't see the point in doing locally-domiciled fund launches when the end client is a regional institutional investor. Registering in Luxembourg seems to make more sense for the additional doors it opens for smaller managers.
League Table – Assets Gathered by Cross-Border Fund Managers – Latin American Institutional Market – June 2013
Includes assets gathered by cross-border fund managers in the following markets: Chilean pension funds (AFPs), mutual funds (AGFs) and life insurers, Colombian pension funds (AFPs), Mexican pension funds (Afores) and mutual funds (OFIs) and Peruvian pension funds (AFPs). Period: Six months ending June 30, 2013.
USD2 billion pension portfolio in Latam whets appetite of Itaú AGF
The local manager of the Brazilian group has just registered a mutual fund with the Risk Rating Commission and hopes to attract investments from pension funds.
Felipe Godard appointed new Head of Deutsche Wealth Management Latin America
He will be based in Geneva, Switzerland and will report to Haig Ariyan and Chip Packard, Co-Heads of Wealth Management, Americas.
Transfers begin to affect pension funds’ portfolio strategy
AFPs could be looking for more liquid instruments to deal with mass changes, such as happened in April at the suggestion of a pension consultant.