Mexican Mutual Fund Industry Net New Investments (NNI) Report – December 2018

Excel workbook detailing net new investments (NNI) of all locally registered Mexican mutual funds, asset managers and industry sectors. Also includes monthly and year to date NNI data by asset class, region, sector and manager by sector. Data as of December 31, 2018.

Companies mentioned in this report: Compass; Sura IM; CI Fondos; Templeton; BNP Paribas; Mifel; Valores Afirme; Principal; Value; Finacces; Multivalores; Invex; Old Mutual; Intercam; Nafinsa; HSBC; Inbursa; Vector; Valmex; GBM; Monex; Actinver; Interacciones; Scotia; Banorte – Ixe; BBVA Bancomer; Santander; BlackRock; Azimut; BTG Pactual.

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Mexican Mutual Fund Industry Net New Investments (NNI) Report – March 2019

Excel workbook detailing net new investments (NNI) of all locally registered Mexican mutual funds, asset managers and industry sectors. Also includes monthly and year to date NNI data by asset class, region, sector and manager by sector. Data as of March 31, 2019.

Companies mentioned in this report: Compass; Sura IM; CI Fondos; Templeton; BNP Paribas; Mifel; Valores Afirme; Principal; Value; Finacces; Multivalores; Invex; Old Mutual; Intercam; Nafinsa; HSBC; Inbursa; Vector; Valmex; GBM; Monex; Actinver; Interacciones; Scotia; Banorte – Ixe; BBVA Bancomer; Santander; BlackRock; Azimut; BTG Pactual.

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Brazilian fund-industry flows grind to halt in August

Redemptions from low-yielding fixed-income classes cut into positive flows on the equity side in August. Inflows for the month barely topped USD 1 billion.

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Argentine Mutual Fund Industry Net New Investments (NNI) Report – March 2019

Excel workbook detailing net new investments (NNI) of all locally registered Argentine mutual funds, asset managers and industry sectors. Also includes monthly and year to date NNI data by asset class, region, sector and manager by sector. Data as of March 31, 2019.

Companies mentioned in this report: Adm. Tit y Val.; Allaria Ledesma; Arpenta; Axis; Balanz; Bayfe; Frances ADM. de Inv.; BNP Paribas; Cima; CMA; Cohen; Consultatio; Convexity; Deal; Facimex; BACS; Fondcapital; Gainvest; Galicia; Galileo; GPS Inestments; Gte de Fondos; HSBC; Itaú; Macro; Magna; Mariva; MBA; Megainver; Patagonia; Pellegrini; Proahorro; Provinfondos; QM; RJ Delta; Sancor Seguros; Santader Río; SBS; Schroders; Southern Trust; Supervielle.

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Chilean Mutual Fund Industry Net New Investments (NNI) Report – March 2019

Excel workbook detailing net new investments (NNI) of all locally registered Chilean mutual funds, asset managers and industry sectors. Also includes monthly and year to date NNI data by asset class, region, sector and manager by sector. Data as of March 31, 2019.

Companies mentioned in this report: Banchile; BancoEstado; BBVA; Bci; BGT Pactual; Celfin; Compass; CorpBanca; Cruz del Sur; EuroAmerica; Fintual; Itaú; LarrainVial; Nevasa HMC; Principal; Santander; Scotia; Security; Sura; Toesca; Vision Advisors; Zurich.

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Argentine Mutual Fund Industry Net New Investments (NNI) Report – December 2018

Excel workbook detailing net new investments (NNI) of all locally registered Argentine mutual funds, asset managers and industry sectors. Also includes monthly and year to date NNI data by asset class, region, sector and manager by sector. Data as of September 30, 2018.

Companies mentioned in this report: Adm. Tit y Val.; Allaria Ledesma; Arpenta; Axis; Balanz; Bayfe; Frances ADM. de Inv.; BNP Paribas; Cima; CMA; Cohen; Consultatio; Convexity; Deal; Facimex; BACS; Fondcapital; Gainvest; Galicia; Galileo; GPS Inestments; Gte de Fondos; HSBC; Itaú; Macro; Magna; Mariva; MBA; Megainver; Patagonia; Pellegrini; Proahorro; Provinfondos; QM; RJ Delta; Sancor Seguros; Santader Río; SBS; Schroders; Southern Trust; Supervielle.

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Chilean Mutual Fund Industry Net New Investments (NNI) Report – December 2018

Excel workbook detailing net new investments (NNI) of all locally registered Chilean mutual funds, asset managers and industry sectors. Also includes monthly and year to date NNI data by asset class, region, sector and manager by sector. Data as of December 31, 2018.

Companies mentioned in this report: Banchile; BancoEstado; BBVA; Bci; BGT Pactual; Celfin; Compass; CorpBanca; Cruz del Sur; EuroAmerica; Fintual; Itaú; LarrainVial; Nevasa HMC; Principal; Santander; Scotia; Security; Sura; Toesca; Vision Advisors; Zurich.

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Argentine Mutual Fund Industry Net New Investments (NNI) Report – September 2018

Excel workbook detailing net new investments (NNI) of all locally registered Argentine mutual funds, asset managers and industry sectors. Also includes monthly and year to date NNI data by asset class, region, sector and manager by sector. Data as of September 30, 2018.

Companies mentioned in this report: Adm. Tit y Val.; Allaria Ledesma; Arpenta; Axis; Balanz; Bayfe; Frances ADM. de Inv.; BNP Paribas; Cima; CMA; Cohen; Consultatio; Convexity; Deal; Facimex; BACS; Fondcapital; Gainvest; Galicia; Galileo; GPS Inestments; Gte de Fondos; HSBC; Itaú; Macro; Magna; Mariva; MBA; Megainver; Patagonia; Pellegrini; Proahorro; Provinfondos; QM; RJ Delta; Sancor Seguros; Santader Río; SBS; Schroders; Southern Trust; Supervielle.

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Chilean Mutual Fund Industry Net New Investments (NNI) Report – September 2018

Excel workbook detailing net new investments (NNI) of all locally registered Chilean mutual funds, asset managers and industry sectors. Also includes monthly and year to date NNI data by asset class, region, sector and manager by sector. Data as of September 30, 2018.

Companies mentioned in this report: Banchile; BancoEstado; BBVA; Bci; BGT Pactual; Celfin; Compass; CorpBanca; Cruz del Sur; EuroAmerica; Fintual; Itaú; LarrainVial; Nevasa HMC; Principal; Santander; Scotia; Security; Sura; Toesca; Vision Advisors; Zurich.

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Mexican Mutual Fund Industry Net New Investments (NNI) Report – September 2018

Excel workbook detailing net new investments (NNI) of all locally registered Mexican mutual funds, asset managers and industry sectors. Also includes monthly and year to date NNI data by asset class, region, sector and manager by sector. Data as of September 30, 2018.

Companies mentioned in this report: Compass; Sura IM; CI Fondos; Templeton; BNP Paribas; Mifel; Valores Afirme; Principal; Value; Finacces; Multivalores; Invex; Old Mutual; Intercam; Nafinsa; HSBC; Inbursa; Vector; Valmex; GBM; Monex; Actinver; Interacciones; Scotia; Banorte – Ixe; BBVA Bancomer; Santander; Banamex; Azimut; BTG Pactual.

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