Mexican Mutual Fund Industry Net New Investments (NNI) Report – September 2024

Excel workbook detailing net new investments (NNI) of all locally registered Mexican mutual funds, asset managers and industry sectors. Also includes monthly and year to date NNI data by asset class, region, sector and manager by sector. Data as of September 30, 2024.

Companies mentioned in this report:BBVA Bancomer, BlackRock, Santander, Banorte – Ixe, Actinver, HSBC, Scotia, Inbursa, GBM, Sura IM, Nafinsa, Valmex, Vector, Principal, Monex, Invex, Skandia, Franklin Templeton, Intercam, Compass, CI Fondos, Finaccess, Multivalores, Azimut, Value, Ve por Mas, BNP Paribas, Mifel, Valores Afirme, Finamex, BTG Pactual, Pichardo AM, Axa.

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Argentine Mutual Fund Industry Net New Investments (NNI) Report – September 2024

Excel workbook detailing net new investments (NNI) of all locally registered Argentine mutual funds, asset managers and industry sectors. Also includes monthly and year to date NNI data by asset class, region, sector and manager by sector. Data as of September 30, 2024.

Companies mentioned in this report: Santander, Galicia, Industrial , Pellegrini, Macro, BBVA Francés, Schroders, ICBC Bank, HSBC Adm. de Inversiones, Delta, Balanz, Mega QM, Patagonia, Allaria Ledesma, Provinfondos, Proahorro, Consultatio, Supervielle, SBS Fondos, Adcap, Investis, Stone X, Galileo Argentina, Itaú, Southern Trust, Mariva , Argenfunds, BACS, Bancor Fondos, BNP Paribas, IEB Fondos, Max Capital, First Capital Markets, Zofingen, Ualintec Inversiones, Grupo SS, Tavelli, CMF, Axis, Novus, Bull Market, Capital Markets Argentina, Nuevo Chaco Fondos, CYC, Valiant Fondos, Alamerica, Cocos, Quiron, Dracma, Cima, Cohen, BAVSA Fondos, Magna, Tutelar Bursatil, Intervalores, Mercofond, Adm. de Titulos y Valores, Tandem, Parakeet.

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Chilean Mutual Fund Industry Net New Investments (NNI) Report – September 2024

Excel workbook detailing net new investments (NNI) of all locally registered Chilean mutual funds, asset managers and industry sectors. Also includes monthly and year to date NNI data by asset class, region, sector and manager by sector. Data as of September 30, 2024.

Companies mentioned in this report: Ameris; Ameris; Banchile; BancoEstado; Banco Internacional; Bci; Bice; BTG Pactual; Credicorp; Compass; Focus; Itaú; LarrainVial; MBI; Principal; Satander; Scotiabank; Security; Sura; Zurich.

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Brazilian investors show growing appetite for global fixed income products

We expect continued strong demand for global fixed income funds, but we are also noticing increased interest in equity and absolute return products. We are optimistic about offering access to semi-liquid alternative vehicles." said Ian Caó, partner and CIO of Gama Investimentos, part of the HMC Capital group.

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Peruvian Mutual Fund Industry Net New Investments (NNI) Report – June 2024

Excel workbook detailing net new investments (NNI) of all locally registered Peruvian mutual funds, asset managers and industry sectors. Also includes monthly and year to date NNI data by asset class, region, sector and manager by sector. Data as of June 30, 2024.

Companies mentioned in this report: Scotia Perú, Credifondo, Blum, BBVA Fondos Continental, Sura, Interfondo, BTG Pactual, Faro, Independiente, El Dorado, Diviso Fondos, BD Capital, Promoinvest, Coril, Prudential, Blanco.

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Mexican Mutual Fund Industry Net New Investments (NNI) Report – June 2024

Excel workbook detailing net new investments (NNI) of all locally registered Mexican mutual funds, asset managers and industry sectors. Also includes monthly and year to date NNI data by asset class, region, sector and manager by sector. Data as of June 30, 2024.

Companies mentioned in this report:BBVA Bancomer, BlackRock, Santander, Banorte – Ixe, Actinver, HSBC, Scotia, Inbursa, GBM, Sura IM, Nafinsa, Valmex, Vector, Principal, Monex, Invex, Skandia, Franklin Templeton, Intercam, Compass, CI Fondos, Finaccess, Multivalores, Azimut, Value, Ve por Mas, BNP Paribas, Mifel, Valores Afirme, Finamex, BTG Pactual, Pichardo AM, Axa.

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Argentine Mutual Fund Industry Net New Investments (NNI) Report – June 2024

Excel workbook detailing net new investments (NNI) of all locally registered Argentine mutual funds, asset managers and industry sectors. Also includes monthly and year to date NNI data by asset class, region, sector and manager by sector. Data as of June 30, 2024.

Companies mentioned in this report: Santander, Galicia, Industrial , Pellegrini, Macro, BBVA Francés, Schroders, ICBC Bank, HSBC Adm. de Inversiones, Delta, Balanz, Mega QM, Patagonia, Allaria Ledesma, Provinfondos, Proahorro, Consultatio, Supervielle, SBS Fondos, Adcap, Investis, Stone X, Galileo Argentina, Itaú, Southern Trust, Mariva , Argenfunds, BACS, Bancor Fondos, BNP Paribas, IEB Fondos, Max Capital, First Capital Markets, Zofingen, Ualintec Inversiones, Grupo SS, Tavelli, CMF, Axis, Novus, Bull Market, Capital Markets Argentina, Nuevo Chaco Fondos, CYC, Valiant Fondos, Alamerica, Cocos, Quiron, Dracma, Cima, Cohen, BAVSA Fondos, Magna, Tutelar Bursatil, Intervalores, Mercofond, Adm. de Titulos y Valores.

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Chilean Mutual Fund Industry Net New Investments (NNI) Report – June 2024

Excel workbook detailing net new investments (NNI) of all locally registered Chilean mutual funds, asset managers and industry sectors. Also includes monthly and year to date NNI data by asset class, region, sector and manager by sector. Data as of June 30, 2024.

Companies mentioned in this report: Ameris; Ameris; Banchile; BancoEstado; Banco Internacional; Bci; Bice; BTG Pactual; Credicorp; Compass; Focus; Itaú; LarrainVial; MBI; Principal; Satander; Scotiabank; Security; Sura; Zurich.

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Peruvian Mutual Fund Industry Net New Investments (NNI) Report – March 2024

Excel workbook detailing net new investments (NNI) of all locally registered Peruvian mutual funds, asset managers and industry sectors. Also includes monthly and year to date NNI data by asset class, region, sector and manager by sector. Data as of March 31, 2024.

Companies mentioned in this report: Scotia Perú, Credifondo, Blum, BBVA Fondos Continental, Sura, Interfondo, BTG Pactual, Faro, Independiente, El Dorado, Diviso Fondos, BD Capital, Promoinvest, Coril, Prudential, Blanco.

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Brazilian increased demand for international investment encourage asset managers

Diversifying internationally not only provides access to additional markets but can also help mitigate specific risks of the local market and potentially increase portfolio resilience. It grants significant long-term benefits to institutional investors, said Isabella Nunes, responsible for investor relations at JP Morgan AM. 

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