BNY Mellon hires Latin American expert from BlackRock

Has named Yolanda Plaza-Charres to a newly created position as sales director for Latin America. The appointment comes on the heels of the opening last week of BNY Mellon’s first wealth management office in the Cayman Islands.

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AFP Habitat leads Fund Pro ranking for third year in a row

In an exclusive interview, Alejandro Bezanilla, investment manager, explains the investment process and risk management of the AFP’s portfolios. Selectivity in selection of managers of international funds and liquidity for meeting transfers are key factors.

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JP Morgan Funds strengthen in Latin America

The creation of a new job to coordinate all sales in the region, filled by Guiuliano de Marchi, combines with the plans to open a distribution office in Colombia.

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Bice Inversiones aims to strengthen its offer in Asia

The distributor is looking for a manager specializing in Asia to complement its existing offer. Bice currently distributes funds of Goldman Sachs, Van Eck, Nordea, and TIAA-CREF.

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Regulatory change extends fixed income spectrum for AFPs

The E fund will soon be able to invest in mutual funds and fixed income ETFs, even though up to 10% of the portfolio of these instruments relates to the restricted category.

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BBVA may sell Latam pension businesses

Spain's No.2 bank BBVA may sell its Latin American pension fund businesses, joining the ranks of banks looking to shed operations outside their main markets to reduce risks and meet tougher capital rules.

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Transfers begin to affect pension funds’ portfolio strategy

AFPs could be looking for more liquid instruments to deal with mass changes, such as happened in April at the suggestion of a pension consultant.

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Idea of raising the pension contribution percentage gains ground

A state AFP is one of the proposals with most impact on presidential candidates, but would not have the support of the technical people.

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BBVA sells peruvian pension unit

The bank is selling for USD516 million its pension unit in Peru to two separate pension firms, one controlled by Colombian financial conglomerate Grupo Sura and the other by Canada's Bank of Nova Scotia.

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Peruvian AFP Investments in International Mutual Funds – July 2013

Excel workbook detailing Peruvian AFP allocations to global mutual fund managers, over various time periods. Also included is a breakdown of offshore allocations by asset class, over various time periods. Data as of July 31, 2013.

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