The creation of a new job to coordinate all sales in the region, filled by Guiuliano de Marchi, combines with the plans to open a distribution office in Colombia.
Bice Inversiones aims to strengthen its offer in Asia
The distributor is looking for a manager specializing in Asia to complement its existing offer. Bice currently distributes funds of Goldman Sachs, Van Eck, Nordea, and TIAA-CREF.
Regulatory change extends fixed income spectrum for AFPs
The E fund will soon be able to invest in mutual funds and fixed income ETFs, even though up to 10% of the portfolio of these instruments relates to the restricted category.
Transfers begin to affect pension funds’ portfolio strategy
AFPs could be looking for more liquid instruments to deal with mass changes, such as happened in April at the suggestion of a pension consultant.
Idea of raising the pension contribution percentage gains ground
A state AFP is one of the proposals with most impact on presidential candidates, but would not have the support of the technical people.
Consar: flexibility is key to achieving the objective of better pensions
Sergio Rodríguez, director general of Financial Planning and Economic Studies of the regulator, says his agency is planning to extend the 20% limit on foreign securities, and that flexibility is the key to long-term thinking on the system.
Mark Mobius: Mexican pensions have the potential to outperform the Chilean market opening
The emerging market guru of Franklin Templeton believes that if the regulations continue to promote diversification options, as they have done in the last year, the country has the potential to outperform the Chilean market in three years.
Foreign banks step up presence in Chile
For this year, Goldman Sachs announces opening of offices while State Street is set to expand operations.
iShares recovers leadership among AFPs
In December iShares received investments of over USD1 billion. Axel Christensen, executive director for South America (ex Brazil) of BlackRock, pointed to the strong interest in increasing exposure in assets and regions with higher risk-return, in markets other than the USA.
Afores sector faces three challenges, Amafore says
International investment, the level of contributions and coverage are among priority topics. The regulator’s role is crucial for a real effort to deal with them and continue the evolution of the pension system in Mexico.