International investment, the level of contributions and coverage are among priority topics. The regulator’s role is crucial for a real effort to deal with them and continue the evolution of the pension system in Mexico.
Pension fund portfolios ended 2012 with innovations
In December flows to international funds and ETFs stalled, but there was significant movement of portfolios toward equity in emerging markets and Asia. Fixed income funds are losing ground.
Chilean Managers eye Luxembourg
By setting up mutual funds offshore, managers can offer advantages of liquidity to their institutional clients while simultaneously raising funds from foreign investors.
Managers confirm simplification of SBS registration process
Over the last few months the registration process for new foreign mutual funds has been reactivated, with record times of six weeks.
Bice Inversiones takes over distribution of Nordea in Chile
With this partnership the Norwegian bank aims to receive its first investments from the Chilean pension market.
Merger of Afore XXI with Afore Banorte could lead to extension of limits for foreign investment
XXI-Banorte will be the largest Afore which could be too big for the Mexican market, and there is also an obvious need for the regulator to extend the foreign asset investment limit.
Closed-end investment funds feel discriminated by the new rules
In the latest changes to the Pension Fund Investment System, the maximum percentage AFPs can invest in local funds was cut from 5% to 3%.
Afore Banamex goes for two more mandates
About to fund the first mandate - which was won by BlackRock, Schroders and JP Morgan - Javier Orvañanos, investment manager at Afore Banamex, is now working on mandates for commodities and international securities.
Criteria for contracting managers fine tuned
The Risk Review Committee issued a document clarifying the criteria for contracts between afores and managers in Mexico which makes the system viable.
Regulations on AFP fees no longer concern managers
Congressional Committee on Labor and Social Security proposed a regulatory change so that part of the fees that AFPs charge members is based on portfolio returns.