Peruvian government proposes pension system reform

Prohibition of new withdrawals and entry of new players into pension fund management are some of the innovations.

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AFP profits don’t seem to concern pension participants

According to a survey, 60% of workers still prefer to join the private pension system over the public system.

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Longevity insurance could unblock pension discussion

A proposal by the centrist Democrats party could open a space for negotiation based on political and technical pragmatism.

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Pension Reform: Economy Committee proposal moves ahead

The proposal reaffirms the individual capitalization model over the pay-as-you-go model, unlike the Labor Committee's bill which is based on a multiple pillar scheme.

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ColCapital highlights the role of pension funds in private equity development

On the pension reform, the association calls for prudence and understanding that Colombians' savings are at stake.

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Credicorp enters the pension debate in Peru

The firm proposes the entry of new players and fees based on fund performance.

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Election of constitutional delegates in Chile seems to secure current AFP pension model

The strong presence of right-wing and center-right forces looks set to wreck the left-wing initiatives for a drastic overhaul of the individually funded system.

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Peru discussing a seventh withdrawal of AFP savings

Meanwhile, several plans of consolidating pension schemes and even eliminating the AFPs are also being tossed about.

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Peru, Colombia and Bolivia move to facilitate flows between public, private systems

Migration of participants from one system to another is related to the reformist winds in the region.

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Pension reform to be presented at the end of October

The Government will face a tough scenario in Congress, since it lacks a majority and the opposition has established the idea that rejection of the new constitution removed the social floor from the pension reform.

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