Se celebrará el próximo ocho de mayo en el Four Seasons de Miami y contará con la presencia de cuatro destacados gestores: Andres Lucas de DelGatto DFF; Demian Waldman de Confidas; Alex Horn de BridgeInvest y Stuart Wilson de OCP Asia.
Tracking the Activities of Global Asset Managers in Latin America
Se celebrará el próximo ocho de mayo en el Four Seasons de Miami y contará con la presencia de cuatro destacados gestores: Andres Lucas de DelGatto DFF; Demian Waldman de Confidas; Alex Horn de BridgeInvest y Stuart Wilson de OCP Asia.
In the medium term, AFPs will have to reorganize their portfolios after a series of 10% withdrawals, says ACAFI president Luis Alberto Letelier.
Frontal Trust's original focus was on real estate, but in the last five years the firm developed expertise in private debt, private equity and infrastructure, said GM Carmen Vicuña.
Distressed debt and turnaround private-equity are expected to benefit from the boost in quotas on alternatives.
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