Pension funds invested USD 331 million in equity products during April, of which USD 313 million was invested in US equity funds.
Colombian AFPs restructure their positions, turning to international fixed income in March
Pension funds moved into fixed income during March, investing USD 170 million, mostly into emerging-markets debt funds. On the other hand, their redemptions of equity products totaled USD 139 million.
Colombian AFPs pumped brakes on cross-border allocations in February as market volatility rose
Although AFPs continued to increase their exposure in equities, they shed positions in debt and money market instruments. AUMs rose just USD 98 million for the month.
Colombian AFPs boosted equity global positions in December
Purchases in the last month of the year were concentrated in US and European equity, for a total of USD 263 million and USD 108 million, respectively.
Colombian AFPs bet heavily on US equities in January
Equity instruments, mostly funds specializing in the US and emerging markets, attracted most allocations, with USD 577 million.
Colombian AFPs’ romance with European equities continued in November
Pension managers turned to European equity products as the most attractive option, making purchases totaling USD 168 million in November.
Colombian AFPs pursued European equity in October
Colombian AFPs reduced their exposure to emerging-market-equity products while increasing their positions in specialized instruments with European exposure.
US equity ETFs attracted Colombian AFP investment in September
AFPs increased exposure to US equities, adding USD 338 million in the month. In contrast, they shed positions in Japanese and emerging-market-equity funds.
Colombian AFPs stocked up on US Equity and EMD in August
Colombian AFPs channeled USD 150 million in new investments into specialized US equity products - mostly passive - in the month of August.
Cross-border fixed-income funds being scooped up by Colombian AFPs
Over USD 900 million was invested in the asset class during the first half of 2020, with Colfondos and Protección leading the way.