Instead of two regimes (state-run pay-as-you-go and AFPs) competing, there should be a single system based on government social security and individual contributions to public and private AFPs, says the Colombian pension association.
Colombian AFPs want more contributors in system, even if they receive less from each affiliate
June 12, 2018 by
Allocation from Colfondos bolsters Pictet European fund
September 13, 2016 by
The USD 150 million allocation juiced the AUMs of the Pictet Europe Index-I EUR product in June. Meanwhile, AFP Protección made some significant changes to its portfolio that impacted Morgan Stanley, iShares and Vanguard.
AFP Protección: formalización del trabajo es un gran desafío
March 19, 2015 by
En el plano de las inversiones, debería seguir ampliándose la preferencia por ETFs sobre fondos activos.