Managers that already have investments via feeder funds can submit their approval directly, while new firms will have to gain sponsorship from an AFP.
AGFs have not yet assimilated new supplementary activities
This new regulation authorizes supplementary activities for companies that manage mutual funds and closed-end investment funds, including managing and distributing shares of foreign funds and providing investment advisory services to local firms.
Canadian and MILA-listed securities can be bought locally by Chilean investors
SVS approved a resolution that exempts all listed investment securities registered with regulators in Colombia, Mexico, Peru and Canada as well from enrollment in the Registro de Valores Extranjeros (foreign securities register). Under the new rules, registered securities in any of these countries - including ETFs - will be able to be traded publicly by Chilean investors almost automatically.
Bill that would modernize oversight of Chilean fund market likely to pass in second half
The bill enjoys the backing of most of the actors in the capital market. The local mutual fund association has given its blessing, as it believes the change is a necessary step to Chile becoming a regional financial platform.
MILA and Asian Passport initiative spark renewed interest in integrating Latam funds business
Fund managers are enthusiastic about the creation of a regional fund passport, since a regulatory framework of this type would multiply their business, based on the facilities for integrating investors from several countries into a single fund, selling the same fund in various markets, having a standardized tax treatment and integrating capabilities in order to compete with large international fund managers.
Aseguradoras redujeron sus utilidades en 59.1% durante 2011
Mercado asegurador en su conjunto registró ventas totales que alcanzaron los USD9,681 millones en 2011.
SVS simplifies sale of foreign funds to individual investors
The funds will no longer need to be registered with the Foreign Securities Register since agreements between the Chilean regulator and the foreign markets will be recognized.
Market approves relaxation of public offerings
SVS issues new regulations to permit offerings of restricted securities to groups of up to 250 investors under certain conditions.