Banorte’s Alejandro Aguilar Ceballos spoke about the firm’s many subadvisory relationships with global managers, which have helped the firm respond to retail-investor demand for diversification.
Tracking the Activities of Global Asset Managers in Latin America
Banorte’s Alejandro Aguilar Ceballos spoke about the firm’s many subadvisory relationships with global managers, which have helped the firm respond to retail-investor demand for diversification.
CIO of the Afore Antonio Sibaja expects to have 40% of its international holdings allocated to active managers, and revealed that its first cross-border-fund investment is imminent.
As Vanguard looks to capture assets from Mexican Afores in both its ETFs and active funds, country manager Juan Hernandez spoke of the firm’s competitive advantages in this unique market.
Afore XXI Banorte's new CIO revealed the firm's approach to manager selection and monitoring, and noted the key role active funds will play in building out its international investment strategy.
The Amafore's Alvaro Melendez predicted an uptick in allocations to active funds while emphasizing need to increase cap on international investments.
"We will have a local expert helping us make better investment decisions and adding alpha to our clients' portfolios," said SURA's Andrés Moreno.
The industry was not pleased with the placement of stringent caps on fees they can pass on to affiliates, but cheered plans to boost payroll contributions substantially.
FT's Hugo Petricioli said clients turned to mutual funds in 2020 in search of exchange-rate protection and higher returns via international equities.
The Mexican president's surprise announcement would boost contributions from the current 6.5% rate over eight years, with employers footing the bill.
The former Afore Sura CEO’s new job is to work out how this retirement fund manager will take “the portfolios towards a better experience in which the client becomes the core of the investment process," Citi said in a statement.
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