Afore Azteca CEO: Mutual funds are a “useful and indispensable” tool

Tonatiuh Rodríguez, who previously headed Afore XXI Banorte, came to Afore Azteca with the job of growing the client base by 40% in 2018. He considers cross-border mutual funds "an indispensable though transitional tool."

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Consar anxious to establish rules for cross-border-fund investing

Carlos Ramírez, president of the Consar, provided Fund Pro Latin America with a time estimate on when Afore pension managers will finally be able to invest in cross-border mutual funds.

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Mexican Pension Fund Industry Statistics – December 2017

Excel workbook detailing, over various time periods, asset totals, inflows and affiliate trends among Mexican Afores. Data as of December 31, 2017.

Companies mentioned in this report: XX Banorte; Banamex; Sura; Profuturo GNP; Principal; Invercap; PensionISSSTE; Inbursa; Coppel; Metlife; Azteca; Afirme Bajío.

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With holy grail in reach, cross-border managers urge respect for process in Mexico

While preaching patience, Natixis's Mauricio Giordano told Fund Pro Latin America that Afores could potentially make their first cross-border-fund investments in the second half of 2018.

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Mandate news circulates during and after Afore convention in October

Pensionissste, Banamex, Profuturo and Principal were the subjects of mandate news in October and November, as were global managers BlackRock, Wellington, Franklin Templeton and a pair of others.

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First Trust boosts to 11 its ETF offering in Mexico, targeting Afore pension funds

“The evolution of the Mexico pension system has been remarkable to watch," says First Trust's Codie Sanchez,

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Mexican Pension Fund Industry Statistics – September 2017

Excel workbook detailing, over various time periods, asset totals, inflows and affiliate trends among Mexican Afores. Data as of September 30, 2017.

Companies mentioned in this report: XX Banorte; Banamex; Sura; Profuturo GNP; Principal; Invercap; PensionISSSTE; Inbursa; Coppel; Metlife; Azteca; Afirme Bajío.

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Afore XXI Banorte makes it easy for Mexican expats to save for retirement

XXI Banorte's Juan Manuel Valle Pereña said the Afore's alliance with uLink gives US-based Mexican expats an easy-to-navigate and easy-to-access service to make voluntary retirement contributions from any device or computer.

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Principal Afore again delays rollout of first global mandate

Afore Principal CEO, Mariano Ugarte, said the manager would implement its first international mandate in 2018, once "the markets have calmed down," referring to the high level of volatility for the Mexican Peso since the election of Donald J. Trump.

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Regulator sees life-cycle funds in Afores’ future

The Consar is looking to convert the rigid four-fund multifund system into something much more streamlined, which could also permit more foreign investment by the Afores.

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