In an interview with Fund Pro Latin America, Jorge Claude highlighted the qualities of the annuity product for execution of pension payments.
Principal’s Mexican fund management unit raises profile in corporate pension space
"In countries where Principal is present, we are dedicated to management of resources for retirement and we believe there is a great potential in Mexico,” says the firm's Luis Lozano,
Insurers strengthen their role as institutional investors in Mexico
With 55 billion in technical reserves, insurers are now allowed to invest 10% in government debt, 50% in equities, 5% in private equity funds, 25% in real estate, 20% in structured, 10% in loans and up to 20% in foreign securities listed on the SIC.
MetLife and Citi announce global distribution agreement in 15 markets through 2025
The agreement expands upon an existing distribution agreement between MetLife and Citi that will expire in 2015. The products will be available to Latin American clients in Argentina and Brazil.
Aseguradoras redujeron sus utilidades en 59.1% durante 2011
Mercado asegurador en su conjunto registró ventas totales que alcanzaron los USD9,681 millones en 2011.
Chilean Life Insurer Investments in International Funds – June 2013
Excel workbook detailing Chilean life insurer allocations to global fund managers. Includes names of all funds as well as amounts invested in each. Also included is a breakdown of offshore June 30, 2013.