BTG's Raimundo Illanes believes that Mercados en Línea is the ideal channel for foreign managers to offer their products to Chilean end consumers on a mass scale.
Valmex steps up efforts to grow in Mexico’s stagnant private-pension segment
Valmex’s Luis Lozano said the voluntary pension market is a solution for those with higher income, “who are not fully covered under the traditional and obligatory pension market.”
Actinver CEO: “The investment sector is in the throes of a massive transformation”
Actinver is combining ease of entry, education and product diversification to prepare for a post-Covid world, says CEO Hector Madero.
With backing of Azimut, Más Fondos is set to add a line of proprietary funds
Backed by the new mutual-fund regulations in Mexico, Mexican fund supermarket Más Fondos is primed to launch its own line of four proprietary funds. The conservative target is to end 2019 with just under US 1 billion in AUMs.
Franklin: Change in Mexican investment culture must accompany open-architecture framework
Franklin's local director, Hugo Petricioli, said that while third-party fund platforms have existed for some years, the investment culture in Mexico has remained very narrowly focused on short-term fixed-income proprietary products sold by banks, and investors have not bothered to look around for alternatives.