As BTG attempts to rebuild its global-fund distribution team, it faces the defection of not only Columbia Threadneedle but also Aberdeen, which at one time had gathered nearly USD 6 billion from Chilean AFPs.
Sweigart tapped to lead Threadneedle’s and Columbia’s institutional expansion in Latin America
July 16, 2014 by
Joseph Sweigart (photo), who comandeered JP Morgan Asset Management's successful incursion into Latin America in the 2000s, has been named senior institutional sales director of Columbia Mananagement and Threadneedle Investments, which are both units of US-based Ameriprise Financial.
Celfin joins Threadneedle and goes for another manager
May 16, 2012 by
The move consolidates their foreign manager platform which also includes Henderson, Aberdeen, Credit Suisse and Barings.