League Table – Assets Gathered by Cross-Border Managers & ETFs Sponsors – Mexican OFI Market – December 2017

Excel workbook detailing assets gathered by cross-border fund managers and ETFs sponsors in the Mexican mutual funds market (OFIs). Data as of December 31, 2017.

Companies mentioned in this report: iShares; Vanguard; State Street; Franklin Templeton; Aberdeen; Schroders; BlackRock; Principal; PowerShares; MFS; WisdomTree; Goldman Sachs; Robeco; Henderson; Fidelity; JP Morgan; Deutsche; Julius Baer; Pioneer; Santander; Nomura; First Trust; Van Eck; ProShares; Guggenheim; Global X; PIMCO; BBVA; United States; Commodity Funds; ETF Securities; BNP Paribas; Banamex; Santander; Actinver; Valmex; Scotia; Sura; Franklin Templeton; Principal; BBVA; Ixe; GBM; Finaccess; Invex; HSBC; Vector; Compass; Old Mutual; Intercam; Interacciones; Invercap; Monex; Nafinsa.

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Vanguard names sales executives to Mexican team

Among the hires was sales consultant Denise Casellas, formerly with Sura Asset Management and Santander Asset Management. 

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Holdings Report – Mexican Mutual Fund Manager (OFI) Investment in Cross-Border Mutual Funds and ETFs – December 2017

Excel workbook detailing Mexican mutual fund allocations to global fund managers. Includes names of all funds as well as amounts invested in each. Also included is a breakdown of offshore allocations by asset class. Data as of December 31, 2017.

Companies mentioned in this report: AllianceBernstein; Aberdeen; Actinver; Amundi; Axa; BBVA; BlackRock; Compass; Deutsche; Direxion Shares; Exane; Fidelity; First Trust; Franklin Templeton; GAM; Global X; Goldman Sachs; Guggenheim; Investec; iShares; Janus Henderson; JP Morgan; Lyxor; Man; MFS; Moneda; Morgan Stanley; Natixis; Old Mutual; Pictet; PIMCO; PowerShares; Principal; ProShares; Robeco; Santander; Schroders; State Street; Union Bancaire Privée; Van Eck; Vanguard; Wellington; WisdomTree; Banamex; Scotia; Ixe; Valmex; Sura; GBM; Inbursa; HSBC; Finaccess; Vector; Invex; Interacciones; CI Fondos; Intercam; Invercap; Afirme; Monex; BNP Paribas ; Akaan Transamerica.

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New Afore investment regime opens door to cross-border funds

A full rewrite of the investment regime pushed along by Consar president Carlos Ramirez was published on Friday, Jan. 5 in the Official Bulletin. We provide initial details and a first read on the potential impact for cross-border firms.

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Performance Report – Mexican Mutual Fund Investments in Cross-Border Funds and ETFs – December 2017

Excel workbook detailing, over various time periods, returns of each international fund/ETF receiving investments from Mexican Mutual Funds. Data as of December 31, 2017.

Companies mentioned in this report: BBVA; Van Eck; Santander; Aberdeen; Schroders; Guggenheim; MFS; Global X; Franklin Templeton; First Trust; Goldman Sachs; iShares; BlackRock; JP Morgan; Pioneer; WisdomTree; State Street; PowerShares; Vanguard; Man; Old Mutual; Robeco; Principal; Henderson; PIMCO; Julius Baer; Union Bancaire Privée; Fidelity; Deutsche; ProShares; Exane; Lyxor; Direxion Shares.

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Flow Report – Mexican Mutual Fund Manager (OFI) Investments in Cross-Border Funds and ETFs – November 2017

Excel workbook detailing inflows / outflows of Mexican mutual funds into international funds and ETFs. Includes names of all funds and ETFs as well as amounts invested in each. Data as of November 30, 2017.

Companies mentioned in this report: Aberdeen; BBVA; BlackRock; BNP Paribas; Deutsche; EDM; ETF Securities; Fidelity; First Trust; Franklin Templeton; Global X; Goldman Sachs; Guggenheim; Henderson; iShares; JP Morgan; Julius Baer; MFS; Nomura; PIMCO; Pioneer; PowerShares; Principal; ProShares; Robeco; Santander; Schroders; State Street; United States; Commodity Funds; Van Eck; Vanguard; WisdomTree; Actinver; Sura; GBM; Vector; Interacciones; Finaccess; Franklin Templeton; Compass; Intercam; Principal; Nafinsa; Old Mutual; HSBC; Scotia; Invex; Ixe; BBVA; Valmex; Santander; Banamex.

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League Table – Assets Gathered by Cross-Border Managers & ETFs Sponsors – Mexican OFI Market – November 2017

Excel workbook detailing assets gathered by cross-border fund managers and ETFs sponsors in the Mexican mutual funds market (OFIs). Data as of November 30, 2017.

Companies mentioned in this report: iShares; Vanguard; State Street; Franklin Templeton; Aberdeen; Schroders; BlackRock; Principal; PowerShares; MFS; WisdomTree; Goldman Sachs; Robeco; Henderson; Fidelity; JP Morgan; Deutsche; Julius Baer; Pioneer; Santander; Nomura; First Trust; Van Eck; ProShares; Guggenheim; Global X; PIMCO; BBVA; United States; Commodity Funds; ETF Securities; BNP Paribas; Banamex; Santander; Actinver; Valmex; Scotia; Sura; Franklin Templeton; Principal; BBVA; Ixe; GBM; Finaccess; Invex; HSBC; Vector; Compass; Old Mutual; Intercam; Interacciones; Invercap; Monex; Nafinsa.

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WisdomTree boosts ETF range in Mexico

"We continue to see increased interest in ETFs, given the structural benefits and convenient exposure to important asset classes," said CEO Jonathan Steinberg.

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Holdings Report – Mexican Mutual Fund Manager (OFI) Investment in Cross-Border Mutual Funds and ETFs – November 2017

Excel workbook detailing Mexican mutual fund allocations to global fund managers. Includes names of all funds as well as amounts invested in each. Also included is a breakdown of offshore allocations by asset class. Data as of November 30, 2017.

Companies mentioned in this report: AllianceBernstein; Aberdeen; Actinver; Amundi; Axa; BBVA; BlackRock; Compass; Deutsche; Direxion Shares; Exane; Fidelity; First Trust; Franklin Templeton; GAM; Global X; Goldman Sachs; Guggenheim; Investec; iShares; Janus Henderson; JP Morgan; Lyxor; Man; MFS; Moneda; Morgan Stanley; Natixis; Old Mutual; Pictet; PIMCO; PowerShares; Principal; ProShares; Robeco; Santander; Schroders; State Street; Union Bancaire Privée; Van Eck; Vanguard; Wellington; WisdomTree; Banamex;  Scotia; Ixe; Valmex; Sura; GBM; Inbursa; HSBC; Finaccess; Vector; Invex; Interacciones; CI Fondos; Intercam; Invercap; Afirme; Monex; BNP Paribas ; Akaan Transamerica. 

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VanEck adds tax-friendly UCITS to Mexico offering

“Since launching our first UCITS ETF in 2015, we have seen increasing investor interest in Mexico," noted Eduardo Escario, regional director at VanEck.

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