League Table – Assets Gathered by Cross-Border Fund Managers – Latin American Institutional Market – December 2017

Includes assets gathered by cross-border fund managers in the following markets: Chilean pension funds (AFPs), mutual funds (AGFs), investment funds (FI), life insurer (LI), Colombian pension funds (AFPs), Mexican pension funds (Afores) and mutual funds (OFIs) and Peruvian pension funds (AFPs). Period: Three months ending December 31, 2017.

Companies mentioned in this report: Schroders; GAM; Pioneer; BlackRock; JP Morgan; Matthews; Invesco; PIMCO; Deutsche; Franklin Templeton; Investec; Vanguard; Robeco; Dimensional; Henderson; BNP Paribas; Fidelity; Aberdeen; Eastspring; Nomura; NN IP; Axa; Goldman Sachs; Morgan Stanley; Pictet; Vontobel; Ashmore; Allianz; TIAA-CREF; MFS; HSBC; 1832 AM; Wellington; BBH; AB; Aviva Investors; Threadneedle; BNY Mellon AM; Edmond de Rothschild; EDM; Neuberger Berman; Santander; Man; UBS; Amundi; Oaktree; AQR; Lyxor; Eurizon; Moneda; Tokio Marine; Principal; Security; Old Mutual; F&C.

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Holdings Report – Assets Gathered by Cross-Border Fund Managers – Latin American Institutional Market – December 2017

Excel workbook detailing assets gathered by cross-border fund managers in the following markets: Chilean pension funds (AFPs) and mutual funds (AGFs), investment funds (FI), life insurer (LI), Colombian pension funds (AFPs), Mexican mutual funds and Peruvian pension funds (AFPs). Data as of December 31, 2017.

Companies mentioned in this report: Schroders; GAM; Pioneer; BlackRock; JP Morgan; Matthews; Invesco; PIMCO; Deutsche; Franklin Templeton; Investec; Vanguard; Robeco; Dimensional; Henderson; BNP Paribas; Fidelity; Aberdeen; Eastspring; Nomura; NN IP; Axa; Goldman Sachs; Morgan Stanley; Pictet; Vontobel; Ashmore; Allianz; TIAA-CREF; MFS; HSBC; 1832 AM; Wellington; BBH; AB; Aviva Investors; Threadneedle; BNY Mellon AM; Edmond de Rothschild; EDM; Neuberger Berman; Santander; Man; UBS; Amundi; Oaktree; AQR; Lyxor; Eurizon; Moneda; Tokio Marine; Principal; Security; Old Mutual; F&C; Muzinich; Baring; Nordea;Exane; EuroAmerica; Wells Fargo; LarrainVial; PineBridge; Union Bancaire Privée; GBM; BBVA; Rogge; Legg Mason; Natixis; Credit Suisse; Groupama; Candriam; Russell; Comgest; La Française; Fisher Investments; First State; Merrill Lynch; Mirae; Oppenheim; AZ Multi Asset; RAM Active Inv.; Mandarine Gestion; Jupiter; M&G; Lombard Odier; Salomon Brothers;T. Rowe Price.

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Becon adds to sales team with new hire

Cristobal Garcia Colombo is the latest addition for the independent fund distributor. He will work from the firm's main office in Buenos Aires.

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Natixis: Institutions added alternative investments to counter surge in volatility

“The sudden return of market volatility is a healthy reminder that it’s important to take a consistent approach to portfolio diversification,” said David Giunta, CEO for the US and Canada at Natixis.

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MFS appoints Chile and Peru sales head

Perez Iturraspe will oversee all sales and client-service operations in the two countries effective immediately. He has relocated from Buenos Aires to Santiago and will report to L. José Corena, managing director for the Americas.

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Old Mutual to offload Latin American operations, including Colombian AFP

The Skandia name is set to be revived in Latin America by the prospective buyer, the Chinese-owned CMIG International.

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Regional Pension Fund Managers Industry Statistics – December 2017

Excel workbook detailing, over various time periods, pension fund industry asset growth by managers. Data as of December 31, 2017.

Companies mentioned in this report: Provida; Habitat; Capital; Cuprum; Planvital; Modelo; Porvenir; Protección; Colfondos; Old Mutuial; XXI Banorte; Banamex; Sura; Profuturo GNP; Principal; Invercap; Inbursa; PensionISSSTE; Coppel; Metlife; Azteca; Bancomer; HSBC; Scotia; Integra; Prima; Profuturo; Habitat; Profuturo; Progreso; BPDC; BN; BCR; BAC; VIDA PLENA; CCSS; Popular; Scotiabank; BHD; BanReservas; Romana; Republica; Sura; Itaú Unibanco; Bandes

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Regional Mutual Fund Managers Industry Statistics – December 2017

Excel workbook detailing, over various time periods, mutual fund industry asset growth by managers. Data as of December 31, 2017.

Companies mentioned in this report: Pellegrini; Galicia Adm. De Fondo; Schroders; Banco do Brasil; Itaú Unibanco; Bradesco; Banchile; Santander; BCI; BBVA Bancomer; Banamex; Credicorp Capital; BBVA Fondos; Scotia Perú; Interfondo; Bancolombia; Bogotá and others.

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League Table – Assets Gathered by Latin American Pension Fund Managers – December 2017

This league table provides a ranking of Latin American Pension Fund Managers, domiciled in Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Panama, Peru and Uruguay by AUM. It also includes annual growth/loss and percentage change. Data as of December 31, 2017.

Companies mentioned in this report: Sura; Metlife; Principal; Habitat; Banorte; Grupo Aval; Banamex; Scotiabank; Profuturo GNP; BCP; Invercap; PensionISSSTE; Inbursa; Coppel; Banco República; Planvital; Skandia; BPDC; Modelo; Itaú Unibanco; Banco Popular; Banco Azteca; Banco Nacional; BCR; BHD; Bandes; Vida Plena; BanReservas; BAC; CCSS-OPC; Banco General; BanVivienda; Romana.

League Table – Assets Gathered by Latin American Mutual Fund Managers – December 2017

This league table provides a ranking of Latin American Mutual Fund Managers, domiciled in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru, by AUM. It also includes annual growth/loss and percentage change . Data as of December 31, 2017.

Companies mentioned in this report: Banco do Brasil; Itaú; Bradesco; Santander; Caixa Econômica Federal; Citigroup; HSBC; BBVA; BTG Pactual; Credit Suisse; J Safra Asset Mgt.; Votorantim; Funcef; BNP Paribas; Legg Mason; Banchile; Sura; Scotia; Banorte – Ixe; Fundacao Cesp; Verde; JP Morgan; Inbursa; Quantitas; Plural Capital; Actinver; BRL Trust; BW; Bci; Sul America Investimentos; Opportunity; Vinci Partners; Pátria; GBM; Grupo Aval; Morgan Stanley; Oliveira Trust ; Icatu; Real Grandeza; Intrag; Credicorp Capital; JGP; Pessoas fisicas Fundacao; LarrainVial; SPX; BancoEstado; Principal; Security; Porto Seguro; Banrisul; Alianza; Gávea; BNY Mellon Asset Mgt.; Vale do Rio Doce Fundacao; Bice; GPS – CFO; Fapes Fundacao; Pragma; Modal; Mapfre; Kinea; Planner; XP Investor; Merrill Lynch; Riviera; MHFT; Davivienda; Rio Bravo Investimentos; Pellegrini; Brasilprev Seguros; BNB; O3; Dynamo; Reliance; Phronesis Investimentos; Petra; Ceres Fundacao; Interacciones; Telos Embratel; CorpBanca; Nafinsa; Compass; Vector; CBS Fundacao; Galicia Adm. de Fondos; Schroders; BBM; Alfa; Consenso; Integral Investimentos; Serpros Fundacao; GAP Prudential; Valmex; Tarpon; Banco Clássico; Kondor; BancoOB; Ibiuna; G5; Valores Bancolombia and Others.

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