Bidding for participant stock raises concerns about impact on profitability

Returns for a pensioner could drop by an estimated 12%.

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Chilean executive takes over Colfondos presidency

His experience in the Chilean pension system was considered critical for dealing with the challenges of the new pension system approved in Colombia.

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Fund industry does not see AFP direct investment in alternatives as a threat

AFP Habitat's operation with Grupo Parque Arauco is seen as a way of strengthening the role of this asset class in pension portfolios.

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Habitat swarms Colombia with acquisition of Colfondos

The Chilean pension giant, which also has a small operation in Peru, is buying the USD 11.5 billion Colombian AFP from Scotiabank and Mercantil Colpatria.

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Fee shakeup: Peru’s AFP Integra moves to 0% front-end load model

AFP Integra of Sura Group proposed charging only a management fee of 0.82%, while its competitors continue to charge front-end loads.

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AFP Habitat publishes its new policy for alternatives amid management shakeup

Alejandro Bezanilla, moved from CIO to CEO, Meanwhile, Carolina Mery, newly appointed CIO, explained Habitat's approach to the use of alternatives in the context of their investment policy published on June 26.

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Regulator green-lights direct investment in alternatives by AFP Capital

The pension regulator has approved AFP Capital's alternatives investment policy; AFP Habitat followed close behind.

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AFP Provida takes steps to recover market share

Provida, for many years the leader in overall AUM in the Chilean AFP industry, has reduced its fees and made a key hiring on the investment side to shore up its sagging market share.

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A second AFP may join Habitat in directly transacting with global firms

A second Chilean AFP could join Habitat in the practice of not putting their transactions through local distributors, but sending them directly to the central offices of foreign managers, Fund Pro Latin America has learned.

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