Jorge Villarreal has been named chief executive officer of Credit Suisse Mexico, replacing Hector Grisi, who was named CEO of Santander Mexico nearly a year ago.
Credit Suisse names Pedro Jorge Villarreal the CEO of its Mexican operation
August 16, 2015 by
Pedro Jorge Villarreal, a 15-year veteran of Credit Suisse, will be taking over the country CEO role from Hector Grisi, who has moved to Grupo Financiero Santander México.
Iñaki Bernus is the new director of private banking at Credit Suisse
January 29, 2015 by
Bernus has over 24 years’ experience in private banking; prior to joining Credit Suisse Mexico in 2010, he was director of private banking at Invex Grupo Financiero and regional director of wealth management and specialized advisory services at Banorte.