A few months before presidential and parliamentary elections, a reform initiative proposes that AFPs pay 10% to 15% of management fees, which would directly impact these managers’ profits, Fund Pro Latin America has learned.
Azimut nails down first AFP investment with sale of global bond fund
While Azimut is a very strong player in Italian retail, efforts to place funds with Latin institutions has taken a while. With one AFP already investing, the firm expects tickets from a few others, as well as from family offices and FOFs.
With hire of Felipe Cárcamo, BTG Pactual looks to rejoin third-party fund distribution fray
BTG Pactual, whose third-party-fund distribution business disintegrated in late 2015 following the departure of key executives, appears to be making another go of it.
CCR Monthly Approval Report – May 2017
The Chilean regulator added 14 ETFs, all sponsored by UBS, and four mutual funds the list of approved instruments eligible to receive allocations.
Chilean AFPs boost European and EMB positions in April
Total Chilean AFP assets abroad reached in April USD 62.7 billion and were at their highest level since October 2015. The increase from USD 61.7 billion was powered by returns, as the AFPs redeemed a net USD 177 in cross-border investments.
Chilean AFPs redeem heavily from North America in March; add to Europe and Japan
Chilean AFPs redeemed heavily from North America in March 2017, pulling the most AUMs since August, while boosting their allocations to Japan and Europe, benefiting Eastspring Japan Dynamic-B and iShares MSCI Eurozone.
CCR Monthly Approval Report – April 2017
BNP Paribas led with five ETFs of its Easy family registered in the month, while Axa and Wellington followed with two mutual funds each.
Leadership change announced at Sura-owned AFP Capital
Andrés Castro, whose career spanned three decades inside the Chilean AFP system, stepped down as chairman of Chilean pension manager AFP Capital. He was replaced by Juan Carlos Jobet, a Sura Asset Mgt. director who previously served in the Piñera government.
Foreign managers have low expectations about 50% boost in pension contribution
It's looking like any additional pension-related contribution from employers will not be channeled to the AFPs, but rather to an independent body, which will stick to a conservative investment policy.
CCR Monthly Approval Report – March 2017
While Manulife led with eight funds registered in the month, seven of them equity products, UBAM (3), HSBC (2), Axa (1), and Nordea (1) won approval for their mutual funds. iShares (5) and WisdomTree (1) got approvals for their ETFs.