According to sources in the sector, the issue of cash contributions has raised the eyebrows of some international players interested in the potentially huge global-investment-mandate business with the Afores, which manage close to USD 200 billion.
MetLife and Arturo Hanono, veteran CIO, part ways
The longtime CIO of Afore Invercap, Hanono had jumped to MetLife in May 2014, where he was responsible for the group's investment and strategy units.
Julius Baer enters Mexico with stake in leading financial advisory
The partnership with NSC Asesores, Mexico's leading independent financial advisory, gives Julius Baer "access to one of the largest and most promising domestic wealth management markets in Latin America," said Boris F.J. Collardi, CEO of Julius Baer.
BNP Paribas outlines how mandate process in Mexico could be improved
Noting that the Afores were born in 1997 and turn 18 in 2015, Luis Palacio, sales director of BNP Paribas Investment Partners in Mexico, says: "They have reached legal age and must be allowed to make decisions like adults."
Consar, Afores and global managers discuss speeding up the mandate process
Consar President Carlos Ramírez has met recently with the teams of Afore Banamex and two global managers with which the pension manager has funded mandates, Schroders and BlackRock.
CNBV works with AMIB to roll out fund platforms
The CNBV's Eduardo Flores Herrera, who is responsible for supervising the creation of an open architecture framework and the financial institutions involved, said the new system would be up and running by December 2016.
Santander Mexico seeks to profit from investor focus on value-added offerings
Santander Asset Management believes that new mutual fund regulations being drawn up in Mexico will help convert what is now a commodity-based industry to one that rewards managers and distributors that add value.
BBVA Bancomer appoints new CEO in Mexico
The designation of Eduardo Osuna recognizes his long career in the financial group, for which he has worked since 1994 in different divisons, such as corporate & government banking and commercial banking.