Rising rates and war in Ukraine led to global fund redemptions in Q2 2022

Nordea's Roberto Martinho noted a jump in risk aversion with regard to European equities, in the wake of the Ukraine invasion.

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Fintech law may be nearer to passage thanks to client-data agreement

The law would create a regulatory framework for the activities carried out by third parties via the internet, including distribution of mutual funds.

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Chilean alternatives industry on alert due to Boric tax proposal

Acafi expressed its concern about a proposed tax increase on dividends, which could be a major disincentive for investors.

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Econsult transfers half its funds to Principal AGF

Following the agreement, the manager retains only two local feeder funds that invest in foreign real-estate assets through Brookfield.

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JP Morgan AM widens distribution of its funds in Chile

Through an alliance with Banco  Bci, the manager will intensify its distribution to private-banking clients, says Juan Pablo Soffia Moller, JPAM's Chilean MD.

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Workaround? AFPs may be able to form subsidiaries to manage new flows

Despite the pessimistic pronouncements of undersecretary of social security, Christian Larraín, AFPs may not be left out of the new pension model after all.

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Berenberg makes play for Afore money in “attractive” Mexican market

Berenberg's Matthias Born expects to land an allocation from the Afore industry before September. Its first approved fund invests in small-cap European equity.

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Pension reform: AFPs may be excluded from receiving future worker contributions

Undersecretary of Social Security, Christian Larraín, said the pension reform would likely limit the role of these managers, but hopes remain.

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In May, sector ETFs attracted investments from Colombian AFPs

Pension funds turned to equity products specializing in the health, consumer and tech sectors, which received subscriptions for USD 115 million.

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In May, AFPs cut back their international allocations

The largest redemptions were in the high-yield bond segment, totaling USD 309 million, followed by funds specializing in European equities with USD 161 million. 

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