Fund industry does not see AFP direct investment in alternatives as a threat

AFP Habitat's operation with Grupo Parque Arauco is seen as a way of strengthening the role of this asset class in pension portfolios.

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Brazilian investors show growing appetite for global fixed income products

We expect continued strong demand for global fixed income funds, but we are also noticing increased interest in equity and absolute return products. We are optimistic about offering access to semi-liquid alternative vehicles." said Ian Caó, partner and CIO of Gama Investimentos, part of the HMC Capital group.

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Consar updates Afore investment regime

Afores will be able to invest up to 30% in alternative products. Greater investment in national projects such as energy and infrastructure will be encouraged.

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Generational funds could favor alternative assets

The government's proposal on generational funds has gained some consensus in the market and closely aligns with ideas presented by the AFP Association. It also has the potential to unlock greater long-term investment opportunities for pension managers.

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Zurich and Vantrust lose their CEOs

Marco Salin and Jorge Valenzuela had a longstanding career in the asset management industry.

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AFPs emerge strengthened after enactment of pension reform

Despite the entry of new players, several measures are being considered to increase contributions to the individual accounts of their participants.

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CCR Monthly Approval Report – September 2024

Polar Capital, DigitalBridge and Thomas H. Lee Partners were the managers registering products in September 2024.

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Cuatro Torres presents Previse CP and Garrington Capital in Sao Paulo

On Friday, September 27th, Cuatro Torres Capital will host a networking breakfast and seminars in Itaim Bibi, Sao Paulo.

Cross-border investment boosted the performance of Petros pension fund in 2024

Allocations to global funds have been a highlight in the profitability of plans managed by Petrobras's pension arm, accumulating a growth of nearly 23% in the first eight months of 2024.

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State Street and Apollo join forces to broaden investor access to private markets

“Private assets are one of the fastest growing sectors of the financial industry. We are excited to be working with Apollo, a global leader in alternative assets, to continue to increase accessibility to private markets, opening them to an even larger cross section of investors,” said Ron O’Hanley, president and chief executive officer of State Street.

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