Latin American Pension Fund Investments in Cross-Border Securities – May 2019

Chart comparing levels of pension fund system investments in international mutual funds and other international securities. Data from Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico and Peru. Data broken out by instrument, Year-end totals from December 2014 through 2018, and as of May 31, 2019.

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Cross-Border Business Pulse: US and Latam Offshore fund AUMs fell 11% in 4Q 2018

Cross-border fund AUM in the retail segments of the US (US Offshore), the Caribbean and Latin America fell 11% in the fourth quarter of 2018, based on consortium data provided to Strategic Insight and analyzed by Latin Asset Management.

Julius Baer names UBS Mexico alum to coordinate Latam investment solutions

Polidura will operate from the Zurich offices of Julius Baer, which recently reinforced its activities in Mexico by increasing its global share in NSC Asesores to 70%.

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Latin American Pension Fund Investments in Cross-Border Securities – January 2019

Chart comparing levels of pension fund system investments in international mutual funds and other international securities. Data from Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico and Peru. Data broken out by instrument, Year-end totals from December 2014 through 2018, and as of January 31, 2019.

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PGIM Real Estate global outlook: Striking the right portfolio balance late in the cycle

“The challenge for investors in the current environment is striking the right balance between taking on risk to capitalize on late-cycle growth opportunities and investing in strategies that offer greater downside protection,” said PGIM's Peter Hayes.

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Wells Fargo/Gallup study: Investor optimism fell 18 points from a year ago

"While we do not see a recession in the near term, in many ways we are still recovering from the last one — which left a deep scar on many investors," says Wells Fargo's Tracie McMillion.

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BlackRock’s alternatives group brings solutions-based approach to Latam market

With USD 184 billion in alternatives AUM, BlackRock aims to bring a local focus to alternatives offerings in Latin America, positioning itself as a provider of solutions for a growing number of clients, says New York-based Roque Calleja.

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Credit Suisse’s InvestLab platform merged into Allfunds

Closing of the transfer of Credit Suisse InvestLab to Allfunds is expected in Q3 2019. Subsequent transfer of the related distribution agreements by Credit Suisse is expected to be completed in Q1 2020.

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AMCS Group to handle AXA’s retail distribution in Argentina/Uruguay and the Andes

"Partnering with AMCS provides an ideal platform to bring our market-leading, innovative solutions to advisors and investors in these countries," said AXA's Rafael Tovar.

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Latin American Pension Fund Investments in Cross-Border Securities – December 2018

Chart comparing levels of pension fund system investments in international mutual funds and other international securities. Data from Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico and Peru. Data broken out by instrument, Year-end totals from December 2013 through 2017, and as of December 31, 2018.

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