The balanced/mixed, fixed-income and equities classes accounted for the lion’s share in net selling for the month.
BTG Pactual opens digital channel for Chilean retail fund distribution
BTG's Raimundo Illanes believes that Mercados en Línea is the ideal channel for foreign managers to offer their products to Chilean end consumers on a mass scale.
Colchester’s first offering to AFPs is a sovereign debt fund
"Colchester’s focus on Chile is part of a broader medium-term strategy for Latin America," says the firm's Analia Giachino.
DVA Capital launches its seventh fund and its third thematic
DVA's Francisco Verdugo said the firm's funds add value for different types of investors. "We are fortunate to have a healthy diversification of investors."
Amundi is closely watching changes in pension systems in Latam
Amundi's Gustavo Lozano said pensions have reached a certain stabilization, "although we will still have to be wary with respect to...the socio-political situation."
Offer of global ETFs in Brazil widens amid strong investor response
The heads of the ETF business at JP Morgan, BlackRock and Global X boasted about the positive outlook for so-called "BDRs of ETFs" in Brazil.
Brazil’s global fund segment falls again in 3Q 2022
BB Asset's Paulo Manzione says institutional investors remain very cautious regarding allocations to offshore markets.
Peru, Colombia and Bolivia move to facilitate flows between public, private systems
Migration of participants from one system to another is related to the reformist winds in the region.
WIth Lux fund registration, Bice AGF targets clients domiciled outside Chile
Bice's Pablo Costella told Fund Pro Latin American that two Latin American debt UCITS are already operating with the Lux domicile.